dead center-Atrium finale

376 11 1

The next day
Four days have past for moxxie as he still in the living world along with his four friends to help him survive, he really getting use to this zombie apocalypse survival, killing alot of deads on his path

He already got up seeing his new friends discussing stuff

Rochelle: anybody know who the race car guy is?

Ellis: *laugh* just the best stock car racer of all time! Try reading a book sometimes

Rochelle: jimmy Gibbs J.r? *Sarcastic cheer*

Nick: who's jimmy Gibbs j.r?

Moxxie: yeah is he just a racer?

Coach: I heard of jimmy gibbs, that's guy a stock car legend!

Nick: Im getting sick looking at this guy face

Coach: well trust me, in these parts, he's as famous as...elvis! Or the president!

Nick: really? Cuz he looks like an asshole

Coach: get your ass moving nick!

Moxxie: not to be offended by your idol but uh, what if he could be dead?

Ellis: he could be somewhere in new Orleans right in this zombie apocalypse, and now wait a minute nick, you been making jokes about savannah all day and I held my tongue, but you do not belittle jimmy Gibbs j.r, that man is a pride of georgia, I would take a bullet for that man

Coach: amen!

Ellis: if the laws of nature allowed it, I would bare that man children

Moxxie: do I might ask If you really like that guy doesn't that mean you just miss it?

Ellis: shit we misses him? God damnit I could have gotten a picture taken with jimmy Gibbs stock car, this apocalypse starting to piss me off

Nick: what are we waiting for? let's go, moxxie you say beside me since your a good shooter

Moxxie: alright sir

They all left the safehouse and into the long hallway

Ellis: jimmy Gibbs jr is the man! I mean I dunno anybody like that man! But there was this guy I knew, he races dirt tracks not stock cars but open wheel cars you know, and he was racing once, and a goat-

Coach: we ain't got time for this ellis

Moxxie: yeah we're in a apocalypse right now can we pls focus on escaping for a bit?

Ellis: ok, but there was a goat

They made it to the entrance of the mall

Ellis: doesn't it look like we aren't getting rescued

Rochelle: oh, there's nobody here

Moxxie: this day just keeps getting worst

Coach: I won't lie, it don't look good

Nick: so much for a rescue, any ideas?

Rochelle: yeah I'm not getting a strong were getting rescued vibes here

Coach: nah hell no *close elevator* alright so, getting evac...ain't happening, anybody got an idea? Nows the time

Rochelle: I got nothing

Nick: mine work if I'm solo

Moxxie: sorry no ideas *sight* Ellis?

Rochelle: whats on your mind Ellis?

Ellis: y'all remember does adds we saw on the way in? Well I think I got an idea on how to get us some wheels

Moxxie: a car right?

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