Unexpected Events Unfold: A Day of Surprises and Urgency

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My friend says in a loud voice.

Blaise... Blaise, how long will you sleep?

I say in a low voice

just let me sleep for a while

My friend says

You must wake up till I take a bath

I asked what time is it now?
My friend says
9 o'clock
Surprised I replied - why didn't you pick me up earlier?
My friend says - How long have I been getting you up, But you were not awake, now look how long it is.
I say in a hurry - well now I do not have time to talk, I am going to wear my clothes

My friend says- but where are you going?

I say - I will tell later, just understand that today is a big day for me:
My friend- okay just come home early,
I say - okay bye

I had left the house, I could not understand how I forgot today's such a big day.

I quickly booked a cab and sat in it. I was repeatedly telling the driver that please drive quickly, I am getting late.

We were just going that, another boy who was standing on the roadside, I was wondering does he also stand for a cab?

Then He sat by my side, I was thinking in my thoughts that I wish I could reach soon but after some time I noticed one thing. That's the boy was sitting quietly and looking outside the cab like is he looking for someone.

I asked him just like that, hello are you looking for someone, he looked at me and didn't say anything. Then I felt a bit strange, then I also thought that leave this nonsense and prepare for my interview.

Then I took out my mobile and started reading my interview notes. But I felt that my pity was not on me but on that boy. So I was just watching him and his antics silently.

He was just watching around outside the car window as if searching for someone.

But all of a sudden our car gets into an accident, I do not know what is happening today.

But that boy would tell the driver: don't stop the car and drive as fast as possible.

My forehead didn't hurt much, but the thing that hit my forehead was causing pain in my head.
I was just looking at the boy, he was telling the driver where to go and he started looking back, again and again, to see who are those people who are hitting us from behind.

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