"So what do you mean  dad  that I'm going to flirt there, you don't trust is it ?."
Liana replied.

"I  trust you but i don't trust the men with you there , what if they do something bad to you. It's hard nowadays young people are very aggressive , I just avoid the  bad things that might happen especially now that pregnancy is rampant of young people like you. "
lisa explained to her.

"I hope you said that to yourself before you got mom pregnant at the age of thirteen, I would not have been embarrassed if you said that to yourself."
liana bluntly said that surprise me .

" what did you just say ."
lisa's response loudly , and that was my signal to stop them.

"what's going on here "
I suddenly asked, they both turned to me Lisa stood on the couch she approached me and kissed me on the lips.

While Liana just look down obviously nervous.

"Your daughter wants to spend the night at beach with the whole class including  boys."
said Lisa before she bent down and touched my tummy.
"hey you little baby."
she said in her baby voice before she kissed my baby bump.

"and please remind her to watch her words, I'm afraid I can't control myself, it's too much sometimes."
lisa said angrily before she went to the bedroom.

"Liana where is my hug and kiss."
I said calmly to her.

She stood up and approached me while pouting.

"Hi Mom."
She sighed sadly as she wiped away her tears before she kissed and hugged me.

"Is that the right way to talk to your dad Liana, why did you say that? why,  do you want to go the same road with us? Is that what you mean? "
I asked her, she didn't answer she just looked down while crying.

"you know what, the way  you act right now I feel like  I made the wrong decision that I told you the truth. do you think we are a numb that we don't feel that you are ashamed that people know we are your parent."
I boldly told her because I was hurt to hear what she said to lisa.

"sorry mom, if that's how I make you feel. I love you I just have a hard time accepting the negative things they say to our family, sorry mom."
she said while sobbing. I couldn't control my emotions and wiped away her tears.

"I understand that you have a hard time accepting the family that we have Liana, but please don't forget that we are a family no matter how negative they say we can't change what they think but should always remember I'm just here and Dada we love you and that's what's more important. "
I explained to her 

" I love you mom ."
She said as she wiped my tears before she hugged me.

"you should  apologize to your dada."
I told her she nodded at me.

when we entered the room liana was hiding behind me because she was afraid of lisa, when we approached her i was shocked that she was crying.

I motioned to Liana and I knew she understood what I wanted to convey to her. She leaned over lisa and hugged her.

"sorry dada, i love you."
she said as she hugged lisa tightly, lisa broke the hug and she fixed Liana's hair.

"sorry if you're experiencing humiliation and shame because of me ,  because I'm not normal dad that you wish for,  sorry if I became your dada. if i could only turn back time i would be very careful not to make your mom pregnant ."
Lisa said Emotionally .

As if her heart was breaking with every word that came out of lisa's mouth, I knew she was blaming herself for why her daughter become like this ,  Liana cried because of what lisa said.

"I'm sorry dada if you're hurting because of my action, I'm sorry I made you and mom feel that I didn't accept you. but believe me dad I love you I love mom, if I am given the opportunity to choose my parents you and mom will still be my choice. I'm sorry dada "
Laina replied while shedding tears.

"shhhhhh, its ok baby I understand that you're having a hard time I just want you to feel that I love you so much, and I don't want to see you hurt because it double the pain I feel when I see you having a hard time. we can handle this ok, whatever the circumstances they are throwing  at us we will face that together. i love you baby. "
lisa replied before kissing liana on the forehead. I approached  and hugged them.

"from now on we will learn to ignore what others say ok the important thing is that we are together."
I told them and they immediately agreed.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now