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Jennie's Pov.

In recent days, I  noticed that Liana's strange behavior , she is always excited to go to school and since the day she asked for extra lunch, she alwace brings extra every day.

I know she's getting better and I can see from her actions that she already has friends  but I don't ask her about anything that happened to her at school  because I want her to open up herself  to me.

Sometimes I'm intrigued by who she gives the extra lunch she  always brought, I'm afraid that she already likes someone and she's just hiding it from me.

No ,  i'm confident enough  that Liana can't hide anything for me , she's the type of person that every time she feels a strange feeling in herself she's always excited to tell me.

I don't think that she's already liking someone because if she does, probably i am the first one to know.

and beside she is only 12 years old, i said to myself .

i still don't allow her i don't want her to experience the same heartbreak that i experienced when i was young ,  I said to myself .

While I was drying my hair, she came out of the bathroom and immediately went to bed.

"eonni, is it possible for you to like a woman."
She bluntly said, I was shocked by her unexpected question i suddenly feel nervous.

"why, , , , ,are you hiding something from me Liana Kim."
I asked seriously as I gave her a killer look.

"eonni i'm not, I'm not hiding anything from you, just answer the question."
She asked in disgust.

" Just Make sure Liana you're too young for that kind of thing you're only 12 years old."
I reply.

"yes eonni i promise i'm not hiding anything. What's your answer."

"For me, loving  someone is not about gender, love is all about what you feel so if there's a woman who makes my heart beat, it's ok too."
I answered her and I lay down next to her.

"Good , and why are you smiling eonni."
She asked.

"Am I smiling?"

"yup , eonni."

" Dont mind me I just remembered something ."

"eonni, do you really love that Ivan."
She asked as she hugged me tightly.

" Ivan is older than you Lian , you  should call him oppa."
I scolded her.

"No, I won't call him Oppa, because I don't want him for you, he's not a gentleman."
She said.

" what are you talking about
Ivan is a gentleman. "
I reply to her.

"eonni the real gentleman should be gentleman as always, he is only gentleman towards you but look how he treats me he always act like he don't care ."
She explained.

"Can you tell me why you don't like Ivan for me . you don't like him or you don't want me to have a boyfriend."
I asked her, because i noticed that when every man  shows interest in me she is always acting like she don't like them for me.

"eonni you're 27 already  so you can get married if you want, but I don't want Ivan for you . I want you to marry someone who's really kind and gentleman not the one who just pretends."
She replied.

" all the man that courted me none of them you like for me."

" it's because none of them like me , they only like you eonni."

"Lian baby, can you give Ivan a chance. I love him just like you,  eonni will be hurt when he leaves me."
I told her and I saw the sad expression on her face.

"Who do you love more eonni, him or me.? And you should also  tell him that try also to treat me like i exist eonni , because he is always ignoring me like i'm invisible"
She said .

"can you please don't compare my love for you to others. because i love you more than i love myself Liana, "
I replied to her as I rubbed her arm, she looked at me before she hugged me tightly.

"I also love you eonni i love you so much ."
She said and she shower me with a lot of kisses.

Sometimes my head hurts thinking about what should i do for them to get along, they are both so stubborn.

Ivan is my co -worker, he is kind,  smart, handsome and I can see that he is good man he serious about how he feels about me so I agreed to be his girlfriend.

We've been in a relationship for only two months but we always have problem because they both dont get along , I love Ivan but sometimes I can't help but be disappointed in his dealings with Lian , But I can't blame him because of  the bad behavior that Lian shows him .

Sometimes me and Ivan fight  Because she  always interjects when she notices that Ivan seems to be overly touchy to me.

And sometimes i already gradually accept that the day will come when Ivan will leave me because I can't give him the things we both need just like sex, in our two -month relationship the only thing we can do is kiss and hug because Lian doesn't want to leave my side when I'm with Ivan.

I admit that I want to do it with him  too ,  i'm 100% sure that i'm willing to give myself to him
but I really can't do anything, so  even though me and Ivan are still together  I already  start to  move on so that when the day comes that Ivan want to  gives up I won't be too hurt .

I know the day will welcome  that Ivan will make me choose, because i can already sense it with his action and i'm sure that I can't choose him over Liana

That will never happen because no matter who the choices are, I will always choose Liana, even if she is a bit stubborn, sometimes I  still love her so much . She is my reason why I live and continue to fight. She is my only remaining family, so I will not trade her for anyone.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now