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•Hailey's POV•

I walk away from Hayes then go outside the school and think.

Is Hayes telling the truth?

Is Justin trying to trick me?

"All Davidson Day Students please stay in your classrooms please secure the building." The intercom says.

I get up and run to a nearby door.

It's locked

I go to another door.

It's locked too.

"Shoot every window." I hear someone say.

"Then shoot who ever you see." The person says.

I run as fast as I can.

Then Bang

Then my vision became Black.

•Hayes' POV•


A gunshot.

*Bang Bang Bang*

They're shooting everywhere.

Then we hear Sirens.

"Run!" Someone says.

"This is the police!" A cop says.

The cops knock down the door.

"Everyone okay?" The cop asks.

"Yeah." Our teacher says.

"One Person got shot." The cop says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Hailey Dallas." He says.

No. No.
No. No. No.

Did he just say that?

No they probably have mistaken her for someone else.

"Hailey Dallas." I say, I could barely speak.

"Yes." He says.



My baby.


I run outside.

No. This can't be happening.

The blood.

•Emily's POV•

"Mom can you answer the phone?" I yell, even though the home phone is next to me. #Lazyforever

"Honey the phones right next to you!" She yells.

"UGHH" I groan.

I grab the phone and see who's calling.

Hailey's school.

(E- Emily S- The school)

E- hello?

S- hello is this the parent or guardian of Hailey Dallas?

E- No this is her older sister Emily Dallas.

S- well Emily. Your sister has been shot, she's at the hospital at this moment. So if you want to see her go to the North Carolina Hospital.

E- Okay I'll be there as soon as possible.


Then I hung up.

"Who was that?" My mom asks.

"Hailey's school. She got shot." I say as tears start to form in my eyes.

"We need to go to the hospital now." My mom says and calls my dad on her phone.

*At Hospital*

"Hailey Dallas?" I say to a nurse At the office counter.

"Room 129." She says and smiles.

My mom and I rush to the room.

As we walk in we see Nash and Hayes.

Then a doctor walks in.

"Well she's in a coma. We don't know when she'll wake up." He says.

"Oh no." I say.

I walk to Nash and cry on his chest.

I look to my side and see Hayes.

He looks guilty.

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