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•Hayes' POV•

Hailey and I slept in a crappy place.

Just Earlier like at 5 in the morning we were talking.

She was afraid.

Because it was dark.


It is now 6 and the sun is rising.

"Hailey. Look." I say as I shook Hailey.

"The sun." She says.


"Um. Hailey we have a problem. " I say and point somewhere.

"What?" She asks and follows where I point.

"That's our parents." She panics.

"But I don't want to leave."

"There going to force me to move to Flordia!"

"Hailey." I start off.

"We can make this work out." I say ending my sentence.

"But I don't want to leave you." She says as tears start to form.

"Hailey." I say.

"I don't want to move." She cries.

"Hailey?" Someone says.

We both look up and see Hailey's dad.

"Dad?" She says and gets up.

"Dad I don't want to leave. I don't want to go to Flordia. My life is here. I want to stay. I don't want to make new friends! I don't want to leave Hayes!" She beg/yells.

"Hailey. We have too." He says.

"We're leaving tomorrow." He says and looks at me.

Then Hailey looks at me with tears in her eyes.

I stand up and walk to nowhere.

I hear footsteps coming towards me.

I turn around and see Hailey.

She hugs me.

I hug back.

She shoves her face into my chest.

"I don't want to leave." She mumbles.

"Don't worry. I'll make today the best day ever." I say and see looks up.

"I'll pick you up at 10:40 okay?" I say.

"Okay." She says as smiles.

We pull away and she runs off to her dad and I walk to my parents car.

"Benjamin Hayes Grier." My mom says.

"I'm sorry mom." I tell her.

"You really do love her don't you?" She asks.

"Your not going to yell at me?" I ask.

"No." She says.

"And I do love her. I love her so much. But she's moving away from me." I say as tears start go form.

"It's okay Hayes." She says and hugs me.


It was now about 10:33 but I'm going to go to Hailey's house because it's a long walk and I don't want my parents to drop me off.

"Bye mom!" I yell as I walk out the front door.

To be honest I planned this whole day to be perfect.

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