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Hey my people, so I had previously made a blog, where I basically ranted, and while it was nice to out my ideas out there, I never really kept up with it. So why not have my rants on wattpad?

So here's my life story, shortened version of course. I was born in 1999 in Kentucky, then I moved to Memphis, Tennessee and started kindergarten when I was 4. Yes, 4. Its weird, I know. I did ballet and tap for a while, and while 4-6 year old me enjoyed getting to wear costumes and makeup, my heart was not in it. Then, through a trial class, I joined karate. It helped tremendously with my focus issues, and for a while was a great way to vent and make friends. Sadly, after 6 years of living in Memphis, I had to move to south Carolina, which is where I am now. I've been here since 6th grade, which would make that 6 years I've been here. I continued karate for a while, but when I got to high school, most of my karate friends were leaving, and by that time, I was a black belt, so I was looking for something new. I had heard about color guard, and decided to try out, and I love it. I am a part of marching band, and couldn't be happier. Except when I came home after practice. You see, I have okay parents. I'm not physically abused or anything, but they do take a toll on my self esteem and confidence occasionally by making me feel worthless, so I went into a small state of depression. It had started in my freshman year because of my geometry class. It was awful, and nothing was helping, and my parents took out their frustration on me by yelling and saying that I wasn't actually trying, I was being lazy, I was to blame for my bad grades, not my teacher (who was the worst and not helping) etc. Not able to take it, I started to cut. I have approximately 15 visible scars on my wrist now, and there were some that were so thin that they faded over time. Then, I decided that I wasn't Christian anymore. I had felt as if God wasnt even there. Now, I'm more of an agnostic deist instead of an atheist, but I have no interest in becoming Christian anymore. Anyway back to guard. We went to state for the first time during marching band, and that was amazing, then during winter guard , we won 1st place at state championships, which was even better. Now, I have no life other than watching youtubers and wattpad. Oh well.

So anyway, that was sadder and longer than expected. Haha I guess you guys gotta know me in general before you can even HANDLE what goes on in my brain.

So for this rant book, I plan for it to be like a blog. Somewhat consistent updates, but I can't always promise that due to school. And if you have a topic you want to discuss, leave it in the comments.

My Rant Book (SPORADIC UPDATES)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant