28. 1903 prison world

Start from the beginning

So, here they were; Damon, Kai and Aurora, since she was not letting him go there with Damon, as much as the former is one of her best friends, she also knows that said best friend absolutely hates Kai, and would probably leave him behind in 1903 if he could. They already had some Bennett blood, that Bonnie gave Aurora beforehand, but the Bennett witch said she would not be going, as she did not trust Kai, and she hated him too.

"Is this presentable attire by 1903 standards?" Elena questioned, entering the parlor room, "Whoa. Who said you're coming?" Damon asked her, "To meet the woman who gave birth to the two epic loves of my life? Me" Elena replied, with a scoff,  "Besides, Aurora's going, so I'm going" she added, "She's not going either" Damon retorted, Aurora scoffed and looked at him, "Oh, yes I am. We wouldn't even be going if it weren't for me" she rolled her eyes.

"Powerful as I am, there's a limit to how many people I can transport with this spell" Kai speaks up from beside Aurora, "Which is why, there's going to be two of us" Bonnie speaks up, entering the room. Aurora looked at her confused, Bonnie told her she wouldn't be coming, "I thought you weren't coming?" she asked the Bennett witch, Bonnie simply shrugged her shoulders, "Changed my mind, besides, if anything happens" she sends Kai a glare, "I'll be there to help"

Aurora was about to protest that she would be there, and could help too, but Bonnie spoke again before she could, "Shall we?" she turned to Damon and Elena, "Fine, let's go get Mom" Damon states, approaching the group, Elena raised her hand so Damon could take it. Aurora took Damon's other hand, as Elena held onto Bonnie, so the three would get transported too, as Kai and Bonnie were holding the ascendant.

Kai began to say the incantation, as a bright light came around them. One moment they were standing in the parlor, the next they were outside, in the snow. "Well, isn't this a picturesque slice of hell?" Damon questioned, Aurora pulled her jacket over herself, feeling a cold breeze come by, "You guys go ahead. We'll start the locator spell on the ascendant" Bonnie told the other 3, Aurora was reluctant to go with the other two, thinking she should stay behind.

Kai would've been able to overpower Damon, as well as Elena, but Bonnie, she'd be able to easily take him down if she wanted, which is why she wanted to stay, in case anything happened. But, if Damon and Elena found themselves in a spot of trouble, Aurora would be able to jump in and help. She weighed her options and decided to go with Damon and Elena, she reckons Kai can handle himself, and they needed him to get back.

"But, Kai just had the ascendant. Why do we have to find another one?" Elena asked, "The ascendant can't travel between worlds. We gotta find it's mirror image here in 1903" Kai replied, "Page 10 of the world-jumping rule book" Damon comments, "Shall we?" Damon said to the two brunette's, Elena leaned closer to whisper to Bonnie, "I don't think we should leave you alone with him" she voiced her worries.

"I'll be fine" Bonnie assured her, "He's good now, remember? New leaf" she reminded, as the three turned to look at Kai, who had his mouth open, head up, trying to catch snowflakes. Aurora quietly laughed, a smile on her face as she watched the boy she loved. Her eyes widened at her own confession, she didn't love Kai, did she? No, absolutely not. "Just be careful" Aurora said, "Always am" Bonnie replied, as Aurora walked away with Elena.

Bonnie then turned to Kai, her smile dropping, her plan coming in motion. The real reason she came here wasn't to just help them get here, but to make sure Kai doesn't come back with them. And she needed Aurora, far away so she couldn't stop her.


The trio made it to the Salvatore House in 1903, assuming this is where Lily would be set up, Aurora felt weird walking around, it seemed like a completely different house. "Can we just take a second to acknowledge how insane it is that we're standing in the house that you grew up in?" Elena said, taking in the scene around the, Aurora playfully rolled her eyes, she thinks Elena was overreacting a little bit, it wasn't that insane.

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