Chapter 5

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The morning after I woke up on the bathroom floor went by with a blur. After all, I can only think of Allison who has it worse. Today we are learning how to stitch wounds, not on us, but Mutant carcasses. Miller has been trying to show us how to thread the thread through the needle for the past twenty minutes whilst we sit cross-legged on the grass, pulling off chunks of it. I hadn't seen the other three boys today, not at breakfast. Soren isn't here, but Zion is. “How long does it take to thread a needle,” Zion says.
“I don't know, but I don't think it takes twenty minutes,” I reply.
“Where do you think Soren went?”
“I don't know, maybe he’s sick?” I shrug
“Sick? Yeah right, it's the day we’re leaving, they’ll think he’s making it up,”
Finally, Miller manages to thread the needle, “Ah-ha! Finally got the pesky thing through!” grabbing a carcass from a bucket next to him. There is nothing that could help identify that it had once been a Mutant, it is a chunk of dented rotting flesh. He brings the needle to the carcass and starts to stitch it up, a little blood spills out of it, “In real life, you will be seeing far more blood than this,” He chuckles. After a good ten minutes or more, we were sewing up our rotting flesh, my hands like I just touched Wadger feces. I bring the needle into the chunk and try to pull it back out, but I lose it, sighing I walk to the front to grab another needle.

Halfway through our activity, the bell rings. Only it isn't the usual bell, the dings follow each other too quickly. It takes us a while to figure out what the bell denotes. We've only heard it a couple of times during our time here. There is something clearly amiss. That’s when someone screams, this signals a frenzy amongst everyone outside. Equipment is discarded, classes are mixed together, and everyone rushes towards the Main Building. The Rebels are coming. For a moment I hesitate, the bell signifies that the Rebels want to attack us, on the other hand if what Angrove says is true, then the Rebels would have come here in the first place. Making up my mind, I find that nearly everyone has ditched me. I follow Zion, racing towards the Main Building. This seems like the safest option.
Nearing the entrance to the Main Building, I see that the doorways are crowded with children and mentors. As the bell continues, the crowd's noise crescendos, to the point I’m getting a headache. All I see is a sea of unmarked faces as I try looking for anyone I know. To add on, I notice that Soren still isn't here, maybe he’s still inside? Something pokes me in the shoulder, dismissing it, I feel being poked again. I turn my head to the side.
It is Ares,  “Alec’s got a plan,” He says.
“Has he found another way in?” I ask.
“No, of course not, he’s not that smart,” He snorts. Curious, I follow him.
Uncloistering me, I turn to him, “Where are we going,”
“Alec wants to know about your roommate’s injury,” Ares answers. I don't understand why, but I feel a sense of guilt wash over me. A sense of penitent. Why did I not go to visit her this morning? The Healing Chamber is located close to the Range Shooting pitch. That is because most of the injuries we get here are from the Range Shooting pitch. Although no one dies, the injuries are far from innocuous. I don't think I’ve ever been to the Healing Chamber, but I heard it’s run by Emphlys who don't really like tending to us.
As we approach the door, I take a big gulp. I hope Allison has healed. When Ares opens the door, a loud bang echoed through the hallway, surrounded by darkness. I search for a light switch, but there isn't any. Ares pulls out a torch and turns it on, “Erm, is Soren coming?” I ask.
“He’s already here,” Following Ares forward, the hallway feels to stretch on forever. I start to feel claustrophobic in the dark as my breathing starts to seem strenuous. I see light up ahead and hear voices, one belonging to Soren, the other of Alec’s. We enter into the light, my vision a little blurred. When my eyes finally settle down, the first thing I see is Allison laying on a bed. She looks to have healed a little since the last time I saw her, most of the wounds are gone, leaving scars but thankfully there is no more blood. Alec is crouching beside her patches up the remainder of wounds left, Soren leans against a wall his arms crossed. 
“Where are the Emphly’s?” I ask, taking a seat on another bed.
“They’re gone,” Alec replies.
“What, why? And they left Allison here?” I ask.
“Well they’re not the nicest people here, I mean, I bet their salaries are pretty low,” Soren says. “Hey man, how much more of this stuff do we need?” Soren asks, nodding towards a nearly empty bottle of yellow fluid.
“A lot more. Ares, go get more,” Alec commands.
“Why me, I went to go get the other bottle last time, go make Adria get it,”
“Adria is going to help me with something else, now go,”
“What about Soren?”
“Soren would get caught, especially when he turned on the bell,”
“Who made you the boss?” Ares demands.
“Would you like to fix her? Go on, if you think you're so smart,” Alec says. Ares doesn’t respond but gives him a expostulate glare, close to being belligerent. Allison stirs on the bed, flinching slightly at the discomfort of her injuries. We freeze in our spot and turn to her. Her eyes widen, her lips part slightly. A high pitch scream erupts from her.
“Allison, it’s OK,” I tell her.
She only looks at me before speaking, “T-there was a man, he came towards me and stabbed me,”
“Was the man a person like us or a guard?” Alec inquires.
“He didn't wear our clothes. I remember his red hair…” She trails off. The four of us glance at each other. Well at least Alec, Soren and I did, Ares is doing his own thing.
“Can you tell us what happened from the start?” Soren asks.
“Well, I remember walking to the Dining Quarter and then I realized I forgot to wear my watch. So I went back and then I heard voices at the bottom of the stairs, so I went to investigate. I saw this man, he had ginger hair and was wearing a black suit, he was talking to someone...I think it was Zion, I saw her hair,” I exchanged glances with the other three, “And then I heard them talk about...I'm not sure what exactly what they were talking about, but it sounded like they were talking about today, when we leave. I didn't want to intrude, so I crept away but the staircase creaked, so I panicked and the ginger-haired man came out and chased me up to our sleeping compartment because I didn't have my watch with me, I couldn't get to the door,” Her voice hardness spiraling into hate, “And then he pulled out a knife and then I was screaming, but no one heard…” All I feel for the girl is pure pity.
“Do you need a tissue?” Ares asks awkwardly, holding up one, even though she didn't cry.
“No, I'm good,” Allison says, getting herself together. We sit there for minutes in silence before Alec gets up and leaves.
“Where are you going?” I ask Alec.
“I'm going to talk to Zion, time’s ticking,” He gestures to his watch. “Anyone coming?” Allison stands up, flinching. “Not you. Adria, stay here with her,”
Allison argues, “Hey, I can go if I want, who made you the boss,” Ares sniggers, “Anyways, she can come to tell me what’s going on,” In response to her argument, Alec pulls on his disapproving face before leaving, we follow in his lead.
This time we don't go through the hallway, but through a trapdoor which I had not noticed on the way in. It isn't easy to spot, because of the darkness. I am about to ask Alec where it leads to when he answers for me.“It leads to the roof,” We climb a set of stairs, often stumbling or tripping in the darkness. Slipping open the trapdoor, light peaks in as we climb out onto the roof.
The minute we get on, I see a shocking view. I can see almost everything from here, the clearing, the Wadger stables, the Main Building. Everything looks pulchidrious with the view point and the sky’s dawn.
“What are we doing on a roof?” Allison asks, “I don't think Zion would be sitting on the roof,”
“That’s because inside is packed with people, we would have a slim chance of finding her, besides Zion probably has a lot to do with this,” Alec replies, sitting on the edge of the building, legs dangling off. “So she could be waiting with Feyrer outside for the meeting today when we leave,” He continues.
“You know Zion could have nothing to do with this? I mean you can't just go around accusing everyone,” I attempt to fortify Zion.
“Adria, she was talking to the guy who attempted to kill Allison,” Alec waves his hands in my face.
“But she’s right. What if your wrong Alec?” Soren defends Zion.
“Well there’s no harm in investigating,” Allison answers for Alec. But Alec shakes his head.
“Lots of people could have Zion’s hairstyle and colour. Anyways that red-haired man could have been Feyrer” I argue. Alec raises his eyebrow, knowing fully well that it wasn't true.
“Who’s Feyrer?” Allison butts in.
“He’s like this psycho man,” Ares answers. Silence fills the air, but it still keeps the tension between Alec and I.
“We’re leaving today...” Soren says. Today is Friday. The day we leave.
“Yeah, paradise is over,” Alec says.
My eyes scan over the camp, when I notice that a group of guards is gathered outside the hangar, Angrove and Feyrer who I noticed by their clothing, amongst them, all wearing protective masks over their heads.
“Hey, look,” I say pointing towards them.
“Why are there so many people here to watch us leave?” Soren asks. Almost as if on cue, three small red transparent dots appear in the sky. And then another, and another and another. Soon the sky is filled with hundreds of red dots. There's a whoosh coming from someplace, and the artificial ozone is opening.
“Look, the Bulk,” Allison points at the dots.
“Lets go before anyone sees us,” Alec says, moving towards the trap door.
Whilst we climb down the stairs, I hear Allison cry “Something bit my leg!” By the time we enter the bed sets, Allison’s leg is all green and infected.
“Damn it,” Alec curses, “What bit you?”
“I don't know it was all dark, I couldn't see anything,” Allison replies.
“I’ll go investigate,” I offer.
“I’ll come with you,” Soren says, grabbing the flashlight of Ares.
Leaving the lit room, Soren turns on the torch. He flashes it around the staircase, but there is nothing in sight. Climbing up a couple of stairs, Soren flashes it on the stairs again. There's nothing. “Wait! Look over there,” Soren points to a part of the wall. It would have blended in with the rest of the wall if Soren didn't shine the torch on it. It is an inky coloured fur ball, about the size of my hand. Soren reaches a hand out for it, it jumps out onto his hand before Soren screams, flinging it away. “That bloody thing was about to bite me,” Soren screams. “What was that?” He asks, recovering from his shock. I already have an idea but I don't speak up. 
“Come on, let's go tell Alec and Ares,” I tell him, turning back around. By the time we get back, Allison’s leg has gotten even more infected if that is possible. The sickly green colour taints her leg all the way up to her ankle.
“There’s nothing I can do to make it stop. I've tried everything, she’s going to need the Emphly’s,” Alec shakes his head, “Did you see what bit her?”
“Yeah it was a black fluff ball. It was about the size of a hand. And guess what, the bloody thing tried to bite me!” Soren informs.
“Guess what, that thing did bite me,” Allison says with sarcastic shock.
“What is it?” Alec asks.
“It’s a Wadger baby!” Ares speaks up, “Yeah. Wadger babies love to crawl out of the stables,”
“They don't look like that,” Soren says. “Besides, I don't think it’s a Mutant. It’s probably a stray creature,”
“I think Ares is right. Well some parts at least. It’s a Mutant. It might have slipped in when the artificial ozone opened and it followed us to the staircase. And there's no way a wandering creature could have bitten her and infected her," I reason. Just as I finish, Allison collapses onto the floor. "Alison?" I enquire. She does not respond. “Allison?” I call once more. Soren kneels beside her. Allison does not move. Hesitantly, I move towards Allison, crouching next to her, I place my ear near her face. I hear nothing, not a single breath.
“Is she dead?” Ares asks.
“I-I don't know,” I tell them.
“Is she breathing?” Alec says, almost too impatient to my liking.
“No!” I yell at him. My voice echoes through the room. None of them respond, but only look down regretful. What the hell do we do now?
“The Last Sector, please report to the Spectator,” An ominous voice booms through the speaker. We all look up at the speaker.
“C’mon let's leave her here, the Emphlys will know what to do with her,” Alec says, turning his back to us.
“Really?” I ask. “Someone dies and all your going to say is ‘let's leave her to the Emphlys’?”
“Well what do you think we should do?” He asks. Giving him one last stare of hate, I storm off past him. I don't hear anyone follow behind me, all I hear are my footsteps echoing down the hall. The desolate feeling doesn't leave me even when I reach the door of the Healing Chamber. I know for a fact that this feeling won't leave me for a while. Allison is dead. If we hadn't taken her to the roof, maybe she wouldn't have been bitten. But I’m leaving now, without Allison. I don't know what I should be thinking of, leaving or Allison?
Upon stepping outside, the first thing I notice is the sun scorching my skin. Then the sof breeze, pointing out to the people swarming the Spectatory from the Main Building. Nearing the sandstone building, I see that the doors are wide open, chairs lined up in rows, leaving an aisle in the middle. An ordinary seating plan for a not-so-ordinary occasion. People in the same sector as me wait around the front whilst all the mentors, Angrove and some officers like Feyrer and a group of elders who I don't recognize stand talking at the front. Their clothing ranges from tuxes to casual wear however, all of them have the same monotone expression, talking about something clearly grave.
Someone taps my shoulder, “I didn't see you inside,” Zion says.
“I went to see Allison,” I explain, my voice cracking.
Zion's eyes widen, “Why? What happened?” She asks earnestly for more information.
“She’s not here anymore,” I shake my head. Zion’s curious glance evansecends to one of absolute horror, like something has sucked the alacrity of her. I know I’m mirroring her expression as I look down at my shaking hands. A small splash of water falls onto my hand as I wipe the drop off.
“I-what happened?” She asks.
“It was an infection. It made her leg all green and it spread so fast-” I stop. I look up and see Alec, Soren and Ares enter, looking for me. Soren looks paler than usual. Ares looks confused and Alec, well he’s just Alec.
“I better go now,” Zion says.
“Are we going to ask Zion about what happened last night?” Ares asks coming over.
“No we should wait,” I tell the three.
There is a hustle at the door, everyone looks over. Angrove is standing at the doors of the Spectatory. “Welcome everyone,” Angrove booms, appearing at the door, “Please come in,” We exchange glances with each other before entering the building. The people who were talking to Angrove, the mentors and Feyrer minutes ago are now looking at us. We awkwardly hover midway of the aisle, unsure of what to do, “Come in, take a seat, you’re not in trouble,” Angrove smiles before she locks eyes with us, and then averted her eyes to a seat behind one of the stranger’s. Taking this as a signal for us to sit there, I motion to the others and take a seat at Angrove’s designated spot. Everyone else followed and eventually after a couple of chair arrangements we were all seated. “Now that you’re all here, seated and hopefully comfortable, we’ll start now,”
Feyrer takes to the stage, standing behind a speech stand. “Welcome to the Last Sector, you’ve reached the end of your training like all good things come to an end. However, your journey is not over yet, as many of you have noticed, each year the Last Sector disappears. Don't worry nothing bad happened to them. They moved to a place further away from here. We call it Veritas,” A murmur erupts from the crowd, Feyrer holds up his hand and the noise vanishes “I’m Mathew Feyrer, but everyone else calls me Feyrer. But here we are on a very important occasion for each and every one of you. Today is the Grouping, but I’ll tell you more about Veritas. First of all, there are five Sections in Veritas: Calux, Fabrate, Heptation, Alcous, and Niyth. Calux specializes in honesty and balance, Fabrate in intelligence, Heptation in ambition, Alcous in peace and Niyth, bravery and courage. By now some of you may have already made up your mind, but for others, it may be a little tricky, but we have found a fool-proof way to sort you into these Sections. I will get to this later but I must address a few things first. The first is: remember the holographic Mutants you have fought, the adrenaline you get from that sword on Mutant flesh, the satisfaction of doing so, raise your hand if you have at one point in your life felt that,” Feyrer asks, almost all of the whole room raised their hand, “Guess what, you will get to be doing that on real-life Mutants, exciting, right?” The whole room went into a mix of emotions, panicked, excited, scared, nervous, “And to those who are not feeling it, do not be afraid, you will be helping the rest of the world, you see, because of The War, life used to be vibrant. Full of life, exciting, not like those pictures you see of the world now at Engineering. The Mutants raved the Earth, killing and murdering. Now your job is to go kill the Mutants, yes it will be challenging but with your teamwork, effort, and hard work to eliminate them, we will once again thrive in a pleasant society,” The crowd settles down, “A world full of animals, real-life animals, not genetically mutated ones, we will have food, real food, not the slop you eat that gives you eat. It's not fair, we don't deserve this but together we can get revenge and maybe even live in a world far better than what The Enders lived in,” No one moves, no one makes a sound, everyone else latches onto Feyrer’s words.
“Now onto what you have all been waiting for, how you will be sorted into your Sections. After I have finished instructing you on what you have to do, you will be told to go to the hangar, you will see a Bulk and about twenty or so people dressed in black, guards. What you will be when you leave here in a few minutes. They will mark your names off, and you will enter into the Bulk and you will receive a shot, from then on you will know what to do,” He finishes. “Now can I please have everyone on the third row from the front please stand up, and go to Officer Angrove to get your name marked off,”
That is our row, we stand up and exit the building. Angrove is already waiting there with her Tab open, “I want you to know that whatever Section you get placed in, it does not separate you all. Also remember that you have to keep me updated every week, or whenever something doesn't feel right,”  
“How are we supposed to update you?” I ask.
“Fake being homesick and they’ll let you contact me until I figure out a way. I need you to trust me, Feyrer is not who he says he says he is,” I nod my head, he after all had tried to kill Allison. “Now go,” Angrove whispers, spotting people exiting through the back of the Spectatory.
Turning my back on Angrove, I navigate my way to the hangar. The hangar is easily the second largest building, placed halfway between the Shooting Range and the Engineering building. Approaching it with the boys behind me, I notice that just like the Spectatory, the doors are left wide open. A Bulk sits right in the middle of the empty space, just like it’s name it is a massive machine with two large wings to stay propelled when flying. Slanting glass windows line the front, pointing to form a sharp apex. The other end however looks square and bulky. With a closer stance, I hear wiring of the machine’s engine turned on, it sounds like a Mutant on and empty stomach. I see a handful of people working on the Bulk and all dressed in black jumpsuits.
“Name,” Someone says approaching us. She has dreary eyes and a long look on her face which is partially covered by her platinum blonde hair. She, just like most people in the hangar, has a black jumpsuit on. However, on closer inspection of her uniform, I noticed a black broch of two intertwined ovals.
“Nice badge,” Ares says, noticing the same thing.  
“Thanks. Now name,” She snarls. “Please,” She adds with strained force.
“Ares Hutton,” Ares spits.
“Alec Blaine,”
“Soren Prolux,”
“Adria Merrick,” I answer.
“Next,” She says, her face stony. Ares shoots her a glare before we head over to the Bulk.
“She could cheer up a little,” Ares scowls.
“Has Ares met his match?” I ask with fake awe.
“Shut up,” He huffs.
Walking behind the back of the Bulk, the back is wide open. The interior gives me a sudden ambience of deja vu about the dream about the red tubes. However, instead of red tubes, the Bulk’s walls are lined with seats, “What’s wrong with you?” Alec asks, stepping onto the ramp.
“Nothing,” I shake my head, following him behind. Three blue dim lights shine over the compartment, instantly puting me into a hazy feeling of fatigue. Although strange, I shake it off as it is innocuous. A while later, the seat in the Bulk fills up with people who all succumb to the drowsy aura. 
“What’s happening?” Soren whispers to me.
“I don't know. Wait and see,” I whisper back to him. A much louder mechanical whirr takes my attention. The door is closing now and for a scarce moment I break out of my fatigue. I wait for the jolt of the Bulk beginning it’s flight but nothing happens. I relax back into my seat, (it isn't the most comfortable, but it’ll do) when a man dressed in a blue tux walks through the door separating the cockpit from us. He walks up to the person closest to him with a syringe full of blue liquid and grabs his arm, and injects the substance. Painful seconds tick by as we wait with anticipation of what is about to unfold. His eyes bulge and his mouth parts silently before he falls to the ground.
“He’s not dead. This will initiate the sorting,” The man in the blue tux says. Five or six of those men come through the door holding trays of injections. They go around, injecting us with whatever the blue liquid is. When someone comes around with the syringe, I pull my arm away. He grabs my arm away with the same iron grip from the dream. I falter giving just enough time for him to jab the needle. I feel the small sting but then it numbs. The effects begin almost immediately. The numbness spreads from my arm all through my body. I feel paralysed. Everything blacks out.
I'm not sure for how long I blacked out but I can feel my body lying down on cold marble ground. I open my eyes as I sit up and look around at my surroundings. I am in a hallway, very similar to the one back in the Healing Chamber but this one is lit up. Is this Veritas? I sniff the air, it smells of...blood? Blood. Dried blood. Standing up, I run my hand along the walls of the hallway. The walls are solid and cool to the touch. Looking up ahead, the hallway stretches for what looks like kilometers. Turning my walk into a run, curious to know what is at the end. As I do so, the end of the hallway does not seem to end. All I see is a black shadow. Is the hallway moving? Confused, I turn back around and walk back the other way. I look over my shoulder and the distance between the end and me is shorter. I continue walking back when I notice something ahead of me. Three doors on each side of the walls, six in total. These doors weren't there when I woke up. Upon approaching it, I notice that each door is a different color; white, black, red, blue, yellow, green and orange. I have to choose one. I look at all of them closely for any illusions or tricks. None. I reach out for the red one. Red because it's my favorite color, red like the flames of a campfire. I twist the handle and enter the room.
A large gust of wind pushes me forward, the door shuts close. I am greeted with a spray of salty water on my face. I am standing on a cliff. Meters below me is rocky water. I cant jump down, I cant, I’ll die. As the rotten stench of fish and ocean burn my nose buds, I turn my head. The door is gone.
Nearly everything about my situation is negative. I’m stuck on a cliff, I’m alone, I can't escape and to exacerbate the situation, I hate the smell. On the plus side, I’ve always wanted to go to the seaside. As I dangle my legs off the edge, my heart accelerates and my face burns up.I can't stay here forever, but if I jump down, I'll die.
I look around for anything that could help me, nothing but grass, boulders, and vines. Abseiling, we’ve done this at camp. I could tie the vines to a boulder and climb down, but where would I go when I reach the bottom? 'll think about what to do next when I go down. My hands fumble with the vines, it's an understatement, to say the least that I'm scared. I'm terrified. I was never good with heights, to begin with. What if the vines broke? I’ll plummet to my death. When I am ready, I tie the vine around my waist and a boulder. Walking up to the edge of the cliff, I turn around and begin my descent. My hands feel weak against the cliff, I am more terrified with every step I take. I can feel the water of the ravenous ocean splashing up at me. On a particularly slippery part of the cliff, my leg loses its footing and I have a second of panic before I find a caved part of the cliff to place my foot in. I continue going down when a wave comes and sweeps into the ocean. I try to scream, but water fills my lungs as I desperately try to reach the surface in vain. My head hits a rock and I feel a stinging sensation, knowing that my head is bleeding. I start to blackout. Air is running out already, I'm going to die.
Subsiding slowly, the water slows down, until I feel nothing. I open my eyes. I am shrouded in pure darkness. The floor beneath me is wet, dampening my shoes. Am I dead? My heart rate impeades as my eyes form neon circles as it adjusts. Apart from my heightened breath, I hear nothing. “Hello?” I call out to which I receive my own echo back. Ahead of me, something flashes, it looks like a light bulb. I race forwards. On, off, on, off. Following the light, I reach out towards the light. This time the bulb retains its light. Like the domino effect, it lights the room with bulbs. Radiating warm energy, I hear soft bells ring through the room. They ring together to form a humourseque sound.
Setting me in a presence of peace, I bump into something. Looking down I see a body. His eyes are rolled backwards, leaving only white. His arms and face are occupied with deep scratches, blood still pouring out. The other half was stuck together by a green sticky glue which my foot had bumped into. The warmth leaves me, rendering me vulnerable. That person is Alec. Flummoxed, I stumble backwards, again my foot bumps into something. Zion, and just like Alec, she had the same injuries. Looking around the ground, more and more bodies of people I know start appearing. Soren, Cleo, Cora. Overwhelmed with anxiety, I scream. I’m going to die.
“Hello Adria,” A buoyant voice says behind me.
Panic-stricken and horrified, I turn around, “A-Allison?” I ask. 
“Did you miss me?” She asks. She looks the same as when we left her. Hair all matty, dark circles under her eyes and an infected leg. The only difference is that she has her eyes rolled backwards, leaving only white visible. “Why did you leave me?” Her voice sharpens into a hoarse whisper.
“I had t-to,” I stutter. Stumbling backwards, I trip over Cleo’s body.
“No you didn't!” She yells like a banshee. Her feet lift from the ground, “Are you scared of me, Adria?” Her voice subsides back into her hoarse whisper.
“Stop it. Stop it. You're not real,” I say with invisible confidence.
“Wake up,” Allison laughs, “You're going to do what I say, otherwise you end up like everyone on the ground here,” Allison says. Snapping her fingers, the lights extinguish. I feel something hard appear in my hand. It’s a gun. Allison snaps her fingers again. The lights flicker on. Ares stands between her and I. “Kill him,”
“Hi Adria. What’s this place?” Ares says, “Look at all these lights. They look pretty, just like me!”
“He can't see or hear me, nor the bodies,” Allison explains, “Dispose of him,” I fire at her but nothing happens. The bullet goes right through her, she's a ghost.
“Hey! You have a gun! I want one, why didn't I get one?” Ares groans. I fumble the gun in my fingers.
“I’m not doing it,” I whisper.
“Huh?” Ares asks.
“I will torture him in front of your eyes and then make you go through it,” Allison whispers. She waves her hands around, instantly, Ares’ feet lift off the ground.
“Hey, look I can fly. You can keep the gun! I’m flying!” Ares exclaims. I hear a crack, “My leg!” Ares screams. “It’s broken,” Crack. Blood trickles down his leg as he falls to the ground.
“Fine!” I whisper. I pull the safety trigger and my eyes water.
“W-what are you doing?” Ares asks whilst cradling his leg. I pull the trigger.

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