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Angelina read through her new prescription that just got delivered. Just like her doctor told her, she got a lower dosage on her antidepressants, a small part of her felt good about this new change because it meant she was getting better, but mostly she was scared because she knew how her mood can completely change at the drop of a dime whilst her body gets used to different medication. "It's only temporary" She told herself, before she started to sort out her pills. Her mind drifted off to Beyoncé, which is where it's usually been going for the past two weeks since they started sleeping together. Angelina loved having sex with Beyoncé and the affection they showed to each other so easily, it's something she really needed, but she knew deep down that she also didn't want to lose Beyoncé someday because she found love with another person. it was a internal conflict she was having every day, she wanted to be honest about her feelings with Beyoncé because she felt safe to, but at the same time, she felt like Beyoncé wouldn't be able to handle everything she has going on right now, stuff she hasn't even told her about...

"Have fun with your girlfriend" Julius said as Beyoncé stepped out of the car in front of Angelina's apartment building. She rolled her eyes with a smile, before getting her back from the seat, "Not my girlfriend, but I will have fun thank you" Beyoncé said before leaving to go inside the building. She made her way up the stairs until she got to Angelina's floor and knocked on her door. a few seconds later, the face she had missed appeared after opening the door which made Beyoncé immediately smile, but Angelina had a look of shock on her face making Beyoncé's smile disappear after a few seconds. "Hey, you okay?" "y-you didn't tell me you were coming" Angelina said, she seems a bit on edge which was unlike her. "I thought to surprise you before picking up Blue from school... Is everything okay?" Beyoncé asked feeling concerned now. "... Yeah, come in" Angelina said before she slowly opened the door, she quickly ran away from the door to the kitchen counter and stuffed something into a drawer, but Beyoncé couldn't see what it was, she wondered what she was hiding. Angelina walked back to her and gestured her to sit down, as she closed the door behind Beyoncé.

"Is everything okay?" Beyoncé asked as she sat down followed by Angelina. "Yes.." Angelina sighed, she wanted to feel happy but she couldn't, this was the second time Beyoncé asked her if everything was okay, why could she not take her first answer? She realised that they were sat in silence for a while, which made her look up at Beyoncé who was just looking at her like she was thinking. "What?" Angelina asked, but Beyoncé shook her head a little, "You just seem a little... Annoyed-" Beyoncé said when Angelina spoke up, "Well normally I'd expect people to tell me if they plan to come over" Angelina said with her tone dripping in attitude as she began to get more irritated. Beyoncé didn't know what the hell was going on, she just knew that she didn't like seeing her like this, "Angie" Beyoncé said hoping to get Angelina to look into her eyes but instead she stood up and started walking to the kitchen. Beyoncé slowly got up and followed her, she got to the counter when Angelina turned around back to face her. "Just because we've had sex, doesn't mean that you can just waltz in here like it's your place whenever you want" She said with a frown, Beyoncé didn't know where all of this anger was coming from but she knew something must've happened that Angelina wasn't telling her. "I know that... Next time I'll ask I just... Wanted to see you" Beyoncé said carefully. "See me for what? For sex before you pick up your kid? To play happy family before you have to return to your real life obligations?" Angelina said making Beyoncé frown not understanding her point. "I don't know what you're point is here" Beyoncé said honestly. "My point is, I am not some groupie whore you can fuck and leave whenever you have to go back to your perfect life. I have my own life and shit I got to do as well" Angelina replied angrily. Beyoncé stood up straight from leaning on the counter and she saw Angelina back away a little, making her just stand behind the counter before speaking, "I know that and I respect that you have your own stuff to handle. I wasn't coming over to have sex, I just wanted to see how you were doing... I don't know what's happened to make you act this way-" "Lemme guess, but you don't like it? Well guess how this feels for me... and I don't have no one to help me with this. Not a mother, not a father, not even a friend" Angelina said as tears crowded her eyes realising she really did have no one she could lean on for support, it's been like this for years and eventually it became her new normal, but it felt like it was hitting her again. "Help you with what?" Beyoncé asked gently as she slowly walked towards her, Angelina shook her head and turned away from her wiping the tears that dropped from her eyes. She felt Beyoncé's hands hold her own and wrapped them around her torso in a hug from behind, as she rest her chin on Angelina's shoulder, "I know I said we should have emotional boundaries, but I really care about you, I want you to be okay and not feel alone because you're not. You have me... Okay?" Beyoncé said gently as she held her tightly. Angelina sniffled and kept her eyes away from Beyoncé's trying to get herself together, she had the words on the tip of her tongue and after one deep breath she began to speak them, "Would I still have you if...I told you I caught feelings for you?" Angelina asked feeling her heart beat faster. She felt Beyoncé's hand move her chin so that she was finally look Beyoncé in the eyes, "Yes... Because it just so happens that I caught feelings for you too" Beyoncé said before giving her a small smile. "Really?" Angelina asked breathlessly making Beyoncé nod her head, Angelina looked down at the drawer that she had her medication hidden in and slowly opened it.

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