"Awe, I love you too. What's your name?" I ask.

"Alyssa." She smiles of pure happiness.

" Ya know, one of my best friends name is Alyssa, but I call her Ally." I smile thinking about Ally and how much I miss her.

"I know, I love you guys." She giggles.

"Do you wanna take a picture before I go?" I ask her pulling out my phone.

"Of course! Is that even a question?" She giggles while pulling her sign closer to her, so it will fit in the picture.

"I can't believe this is happening." Alyssa squeals.

I laugh before making a duck face and holding up a peace sign and taking the picture. I decide to take another one but this time smiling.

"Look out for one of these to be on my Instagram and twitter." I smile before hugging her one more time.

"Thank you so much." She smiles as her eyes begin to water.

"It's no problem." I say with a smile.

"You can keep this, I wrote a note on the back if you want it." Alyssa says while wiping her eyes.

"Of course, thank you." I say while taking the sign from her hands.

"I really have to go now, it was nice meeting you." I say before turning to walk away.

"I love you so much Brooke." Alyssa yells.

I turn around to see her recording on her phone, "I love you Alyssa!" I yell before blowing a kiss to her.

I smile and walk back towards Nash once again fighting the crowd.

"There you are, let's go!" Nash says before grabbing my arm and saying goodbye to the fans.

"That was so fun, I just met the sweetest girl ever. She gave me this sign." I beam with happiness as I show the boys the sign Alyssa gave me.

"Awe, Brooke is getting famous." Johnson yells.

I couldn't help but smile and lean into Cameron's side because he was sitting beside me.

I look up at him to see him smiling down at me as he puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

I lay my head down against his shoulder, and just sit there and listen to all of the other boys talk about the fans that they just met.

The feeling I have from the meeting with Alyssa, I completely understand why Matt loves it so much.

As soon as we pull up to the hotel we all jump out of the cars and manage to slip into the hotel unnoticed.

Making our way back to our floor, we decide to all chill in Nash and Cameron's room for a little while.

"Let's watch a movie." Carter suggests as we walk into the room all plopping down in different spots.

"Yes!" I say excitedly making the boys laugh.

I look over at Matt who is once again invested into his phone.

"Let's watch Fast and Furious!" Taylor yells.

Everyone agrees so we all position ourselves around the tv. I take a seat in front of the couch in between Cameron and Nash.

As the movie begins to get intense Matt gets up and walks in front of the tv to the door.

"Where are you going?" Carter yells causing everyone's heads to turn to Matt.

"Bobby is here." Matt says opening the door.

I furrow my eyebrows and turn to Nash who is looking between Matt and I.

"Who is Bobb-" I began to ask but was cut off when a girl with brown hair and blonde highlights, and brown eyes walked in behind Matt.

She smiled at all of the boys showing off her perfect teeth. I kinda just sit there and stare at her as she's walking over toward the couch that I'm sitting in front of.

"Oh hi, I'm Bobby. Who are you?" She says sticking out her hand.

I move my eyes to Nash to see him rolling his eyes.

"I'm Brooke." I say while taking her hand.

"You must be Cameron's girlfriend." She says while looking at Cameron who was leaning into me with his head rested on my shoulder.

"Oh no, I'm Matt's best friend." I laugh.

"Oh, you are? Well I'm his girlfriend, and he's never told me about you." She says while laughing, and looking dead at me. My eyes shot towards Matt who is just standing there against the doorway with a blank stare on his face.

"Yeah, I could say the same." I mumble.


I'm so so so so so SO sorry for taking so long to update, but hopefully this long chapter makes up for it. Hopefully I'll be able to update again tomorrow or later tonight. I'm almost to 1,000 reads which is absolutely insane. I can't believe that many people have read my story. Seriously thank you so much. I absolutely love reading you guys comments, let me know what you guys think about the chapter, and what you think or would like to happen later on. Thank you again for being patient and reading, I seriously love you guys so so much.

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