Lucky To Have You

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Lucas and athy returned to seoul. They went to pick up ari from max and stephen's house. They ring the bell

  " hey lovebirds you are finally back  huh? Come inside"

stephen invited them. they went in and they all chatted for some time and lucas carried sleeping Arius and covered him with his jacket. They both went home and put ari in his bed. They were exhausted from all the driving so they slept earlier. Next day they are getting ready for their work as usual

" sia.. Achoo.."

" lucas.. See.. This is why I told you  to be careful, now you have cold" athy worriedly handed him tissues.

"I think it's better that I have cold than you" he said sniffing with his tissues. Athy blushed at his comment.

" gosh why are you being so cheesy first thing  in the morning? go and do your work." she pushed him into his office.

"Haah.. but I now  feel kinda sad you know.. If only I didn't have cold I would have kissed that  soft pink cheeks..  why is it suddenly pink... are you  blushing?! haha  don't be so cute or else I also can't control my...ouch "

when lucas was teasing  her, athy throwed a pillow on  him

"shut up "

" Hahaha ok ok"

" samchon eemo" ari called them hurriedly. they rushed to him.

"what what happened ari?" "ari dear what happen?"

" I.. I am sorry" he looked down sadly

" why are you sorry did you break anything?"

" no"


" today.. Today is sports  day in my school  but I forgot to tell you both as  I was  happy playing with uncles, I forgot"

he said with sad face he looked like a wounded puppy. Athy and lucas can't bear to see him sad. they crouched and comforted him

" Haa.. That's it..? I thought you will say something big, ari it's not at all a problem, I am free today I will come with you"

lucas said patting his back.

"yeah I  will also come with you, I already  finished today's work   ( she overworked during that fight) and don't be sorry it's normal for children to forget things even  your samchon  and I also forget things sometimes"

she caressed his cheeks ari nodes happily and hugged both of them.

" aigoo are you sad just because of this.?! why are so being so good boy, girls don't like   boys  who are too good ari. If you want a girlfriend like your eemo you should be a bad boy like me. because your eemo likes me, right sia? "

lucas winked at her. She gasped  and pinched his hand

" ouch.. hey it  hurts " he faked pain.

" OK.. I always  wants to be like samchon..   you are handsome and cool.. Yeah... samchon I will introduce my friends to you today "

he said happily. lucas was happy to see him talking cutely.

" you will be more  handsome and cool  than me when you grow up" he said

" really..?! Hehe" ari was so happy and laughed cutely. Athy and lucas chuckled at his cuteness.

"eemo I don't have to wear uniform today since today is  sports day" he said happily

" really then let's wear matching outfits" athy said enthusiastically clapping her hands.

"huh.. Do we have?" lucas asked confused

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