Diavolo x Reader Ft. Leviathan: Cheering Enviously

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Hey hey hey! Sly here with a new fic! This will take place in the Sins or Feelings AU. (Yep, I still can't decide on a name) The base of this AU is that when a human has pact with a demon who happens to be an Avatar of a certain sin (for example Wrath), and they(the human) cannot control their(the demon's) sin, the demon feels it physically.

Read "Satan x Reader: Angry Tears" if you want to understand it a little more, or just continue with this ficlet. Thanks for reading! Love ya!


"Hello, Y/N."

"Come in. I was expecting you..."

I internally debated if I should ask about Diavolo. I'd really been looking forward to him visiting, since he promised he'd hang out. 

Almost as if he'd read my mind, Barbatos said, "The young master will be here shortly. I'm afraid he and Lucifer have gotten a little caught up with some work."

"Oh, okay."

A little green eyed monster had sprouted on my shoulder. So not fair. Lucifer's always spending time with him.

*Leviathan's POV*

I'd been sitting on the couch in the common room, legs crossed, when I heard the doorbell ring. Satan, Beel and Belphie were there too.

"I'll get it!" called Y/N.

A few moments later I faintly hear Barbatos speaking. The door clicks closed. I sigh, uninterested, and go back to playing the latest version of a game the author can't think of right now.

Wait, crap, he just broke the 4th wall. 

Just as I hit the start button, I felt slightly nauseous. Instinctively, one of my hand goes and covers my mouth. Oh no- I'm not in for a bout of vomiting! No!  

Y/N and Barbatos entered the room at this exact moment. The nauseous feeling I had only grew stronger. Don't tell me... This is the effect of the pact!?

I'd only had my pact with Y/N for a while now, and since they weren't very jealous of other people, I didn't really ever suffer much. But this sort of feeling? I couldn't comprehend it.

What caused them to feel like this?

"Levi, are you good? You look sick."

*Y/N's POV*

"Leviathan indeed does look slightly nauseated." 

My worry for the periwinkle haired demon brother had momentarily dissipated my jealousy for Lucifer, and the Avatar of Envy suddenly looked a lot better.

Crap, this is definitely the effect of that pact I made with him. I should try controlling those feelings of mine.

Levi's tangerine orbs understood that I'd figured out what had happened, and so I quickly made an excuse to get Barbatos out of the room. Satan however, had noticed our remarks, and raised a questioning eyebrow at Levi.

"I-I'm fine, really." stuttered out the otaku.

-Timeskip to about half an hour later-

Lucifer had just entered the common room, along with Lord Diavolo. They apologized for being late, and started making conversation with the other brothers. 

I attempted to approach Diavolo, but the moment I'd caught his attention, Lucifer started berating his brothers for some random thing they'd done, and of course Prince redhead had to watch. I was slightly annoyed, but tried to keep myself in check for Leviathan's sake.

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