Satan x Reader: To Hate the Mirror

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Ello ello its your author Sly here back with another fic! Sorry about this one being super latee

Warning: Angst, if you don't deal well with blood, self harm or thoughts of suicide, please do not read further. 




It hurt. It hurt so bad. I just couldn't deal with it. It'd been growing for days now. My hatred. Maybe I should just end it? Yes, I'll end it. 

I shakily got up from the corner I was sitting on. The cold hard floor greeted me, making me feel oddly satisfied, despite my damp face. Like my crazy decision somehow made sense. I mean, it's not like anyone will care. Nobody cares. Who'll care if I do it? They'll fill the void somehow.

...Heh, like they'd feel anything anyways.

I looked at myself in my mirror. How I hated the face I looked at. Was it ugly? Red, warm and wet with the crying; with that awful, pathetic look in its eyes? It was much more simple for me: the face I saw in the mirror belonged to me, so I hated it. I just hated myself with all my heart and this was the only way to get rid of the suffering. All that pent up pain- it'd be gone, once and for all.

I stared at the face long and hard. There were so many things I hated about myself. The way I saw good in people? Pathetic, and naive. The way forgave everyone? Irresponsible. The way I refused to let out my pent up pain? 


I'm worthless, and useless. I'm going to end up forgotten anyways, so why should I live? It'd be better if I just died. Just.... died.


I picked up my pocket knife.


I pointed it at myself.


The door burst open.

"MC NO-!"


The knife fell out of my hands, leaving a gash in my palm. A drop of blood fell.

*Satan's POV*

I knew Lucifer was making a mistake telling us to leave MC alone, but I'd never imagine they'd try to kill themselves-!

MC had run off earlier that morning after bursting into tears for no apparent reason.



The rest of us were left in silence as they noisily stormed back into their room.

"I'll pick up their stuff." said Beel.

"I'll go talk to them; it's better if you guys give them some space." said Lucifer.

"Yeah, because you can do a heck ton about whatever it is." muttered Belphie under his breath.

I agreed with Belphie, but decided it was better to be silent. A few minutes later, Lucifer was back, saying he couldn't get them to speak except for a loud "No, go away!"

The next hour and a half was tense. At long last, I decided to go look for MC. And that's where I am right now.

*Flashback ends*

MC broke into tears, knife forgotten on the floor.  

"I couldn't- I couldn't do it!" they sobbed. "I'm too scared to live, I'm too scared to die!"

They came to me for a hug, burying themselves in my chest. Their hand bloodied my shirt, but that didn't matter to me.

"MC... I never knew you felt this way."

"It's too much- I can't! I just can't!"

"I know what its like to hate the mirror. To dislike the face you looked at each morning? To hate everyone and everything?"

They stopped crying and looked up at me expectantly. They wiped their face, leaving some blood on their cheeks.

"MC, you changed that. You taught me love.. I can't bear to see you like this."

They hugger me tighter, tears leaving their eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner."

"Satan- would it be silly to say how much I adore you in this moment?"

My face spiked up pink, so I proceeded to pull them into a giant bear hug. "Always is a good time."

KEGWHJKASRGKWDHBCKAS Satan is so nice get me a guy like that pleaseee!

Uh anyways, sorry about my late upload, it's hard to work on angst when you're not in the mood.

"Now let's get you cleaned up."

Oh right, and that.

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