Chapter One

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~Bakugo's Point of Veiw~

I hated him. The way he would mutter, get lost in his thoughts. The way he would write down every detail of every hero and all their fights. What was the point? He was quirkless. Why did he work and dream so hard of something that he could never achieve? It annoyed me. The way he'd stay positive, it made me want to throw him against the wall. He was always so nice to everyone, why? Nobody cared about him, except Auntie Inko, his mom. So why was he so nice? And to me of all people. I've bullied and disregarded the nerd since we were in elementary school. So why was this idiot so nice to me? What did he want... It bugged me.

~Deku's Point of Veiw~

I watched Kirishima walk up to Kacchan, his arm around Kacchan's neck, pulling him closer, laughing. I couldn't tell if Kacchan was enjoying it or not, but the very fact that he let Kirishima touch him made me kind of.. Sad? Angry?.. "Hey Uraraka.. Are they together?" She looks up at me, following my gaze. "No, I heard Kiri and Denki might be something, but I don't know for sure, no one's heard them say anything about it yet, personally I hope they are. Why?" My face becomes red, "OH UH- NOTHING JUST CURIOUS." I began sweating. "Okay.." Uraraka turns and begins chatting with Iida as we get to the locker rooms. The girls walk into the women's locker room while us boys go to ours. I focus on just my locker, ignoring everyone around me. That is until I catch a glimpse of him.. Kacchan takes off his uniform blazer and unbuttons his shirt. His body is so toned, so soft. I can't help but turn red and stare. He puts his costume on and I can't help but sweat. He's so hot.. I wish he didn't hate me. I've had a crush on him for a while now, but I've been forcing it down to no avail. He hates me, he doesn't like me, he treats me like crap. So why.. Can't I get him out of my head..? "Midoriya. Are you okay?" I jump, Todoroki stands there, looking at me confused. "OH YEAH HEH HEH. I'M OKAY." Todoroki nods with a confused face and finishes dressing as I do the same in utter embarrassment. I hope no one saw me staring.

~Bakugo's Point of View~

"Midoriya. Are you okay?" I watched as the nerd jumped, and began talking to half-n-half. He was red and sweating, is he really overworked before we've even started training?! How weak. Or wait.. Is he blushing?! Does that nerd like half-n-half?! "Bro, did you notice that?!" Shitty hair patted me on the back, I turned to him, shaking his hand off of me. "Midoriya was totally checking you out." What?! The nerd was.. checking me out?! I scoffed. "No for real, me and Denki saw him staring at you hardcore. Are you gonna do something about it?" "Why the fuck would I do something about it." Denki turned toward us and smirked, inserting himself into the conversation. "Because it's obvious you like him." HAH?! ME?? LIKE HIM?? As if. Shitty Hair and Pikachu laughed at my face expression, I slammed my locker and walked out, catching Deku's eyes on the way out. Something about it.. Seeing him look so vulnerable at that second as he changes.. And those green eyes looking at me, with a kind of.. Look.. It made my heart start racing.. Why.. What does this mean.. What did the twerp do to me??...

~Deku's Point of View~

It was after training, the end of the school day was near. Everyone returned to the locker rooms and changed back into their clothes and out of their costumes. After they finished dressing most people went home, since it was the end of the day. I was always one of the last people out, probably because I'm so clumsy. "Bye Iida! Bye Todoroki!" I waved to them as they left, leaving me, Sero, Kacchan, and Kirishima in the locker room. "Hey bakubro, wanna go get some food with us and Denki?" Sero said, shutting his locker. "Why the fuck would I want to hangout with a bunch of losers." Kirishima laughed, "Okay okay we just thought we'd ask. Alright see ya, bye Midoriya!" I waved bye as Sero and Kirishima left the locker room.

Now it was just me and him.. I continued to focus on just my locker, I heard Kacchan's locker slam shut. My breath stopped for a second, but I snapped out of it and stepped to the side, buttoning up my shirt. SLAM! I jumped, turning around to see Kacchan. With his hand on my locker door, and him peering at me with those sharp red eyes of his. His hair is kinda messy and his body was sprinkled with sweat. His shirt was lightly drenched with said sweat and with his blazer over his shoulder, you could see the outline of his abs. I turned red. He was so close.. "Oi. Nerd. Why were you staring at me earlier. You got a problem or somethin??!" My eyes widened and my slight smile dropped, "GAH! NO! NOT AT ALL I WAS JUST-'' He leaned in closer, "You were just what." God those eyes.. "I WAS JUST ZONING OUT- YEAH ZONING OUT. SORRY I OFFENDED YOU KACCHAN!!"

He looked at me in disproval, "You lyin to me?!" Shit, how'd he know. "I-I um..-" I bowed my head at the ground nervously. He grabbed my chin and lifted my face to look at him, I was blushing like crazy. Fuck he's hot. "Look at me when I talk to you nerd. Now I'm gonna ask you again. Why were you looking at me." I stared into his ruby eyes, my face almost the same color, i could feel his breath, I could feel his body heat. It was unnerving. "I.." I looked down again, "The truth is.. I was.. Mesmerized?.." He pulled my chin again, this time his face filled with confusion. "So.. You were checking me out?!" I turned red from embarrassment, "You don't have to say it like that!! I know i'm pathetic and gross okay just leave me alone.." He stared at me for a moment, at a loss for words. Until finally, "First off, don't tell me what to do nerd. Second off, people can love whoever they want. It's not gross or pathetic and if you say that one more time I'm gonna knock you into next week." I was surprised at his response, I thought for sure i'd be dead. His voice was quieter, but stern. I had never heard this kind of response from Kacchan. My mind went foggy as I focused on him, just him.

I looked at his lips, then his eyes, then his lips again. I knew this would get me killed, but it might just let me move on if I got brutally rejected. I looked up at him, worked up the courage, and leaned in and kissed him. Just a quick peck.. I realised what i did and froze in fear. His face full of shock. It was red too, he's probably fuming. It felt so right.. I wanted more.. My plan kinda backfired I guess. "GAH! I'M SO SORRY KACCHAN! I DON'T KNOW WHAT GOT INTO ME I'M SO S-" "Shut up." I went silent and looked up at him, his head was down, he was scary quiet. Then he lifted his head up, his eyes piercing. Our eyes locked for a few seconds, I was honestly scared for my life. My breath slowed to a stop, as he stood there leaning over me, staring at me.

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