A Second First Breath

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- Quick Author's note! -

Sorry this took so long lmao I'll try to get a better upload schedule qwq. Also! Please remember if I ever mention them loving each other in this it is purely platonic! Although I guess however you interpret it is alright that's just more what I'm going for here :) Also there is cursing this chapter just a warning lol. Thanks for being patient guys :D 

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Crepe felt warmth all around themselves, almost as if they were in a tight embrace. Strange since the only embrace they should be feeling is that of death, right? But...they were feeling things, and slowly but surely, they could hear things too.

They couldn't quite feel their body yet, opening their eyes would be a difficult task, so they strained to hear and make out what they could of their scenario. What if someone had taken them? Kidnapped them? But the first sound that reached their ears was...crying?

Feeling began to rush back to their body and the sounds of the fires around them amplified. The crackles would have been soothing if it wasn't for the sobbing having become clearer and small whispers of their name. If Crepe wasn't dying, they would have been confident that was Custard's voice but through the whispers, it was hard to tell and Crepe knew that made no sense.

Custard left them with the others. Understandably.

However, now that wasn't making sense either because...who else would be hugging Crepe right now? Some random cookie wouldn't go up to a random corpse and hug it. So...well it could be a healer.

It could be anyone really. Custard wouldn't be here, holding Crepe in a tight embrace, and sobbing on their shoulder. Yet, when their eyes began to open and view the world around them for the first time in this new life, the red cape splayed out behind the other, and the scepter laying on the ground a few feet away, were all so familiar.

They shut their eyes as they almost didn't want Custard to notice they had awoken from the so-called endless slumber they had rested in just minutes ago. If he did he would realize all too soon who he was comforting and leave. Maybe as a sort of payback for what Crepe did.

Actually, now that Crepe was thinking about what was going, having become more conscious. What...what the fuck was going on. How were they alive right now this wasn't possible, it wasn't possible.

Not a single healer had ever really accomplished that, so as much as they l̶o̶v̶e̶d̶  enjoyed Crepe there was no way they could believe that they did this. The fact that they were crying just supported the thought. You wouldn't cry over something you believed you fixed.

So how-

Their thoughts were interrupted when they finally registered the growing warmth on their face. After opening their eyes just slightly, they widened at the sight of the glowing red in front of them. What was originally random small fires scattered about the area seemed to have spread and mutated into a much larger monster of its own. The heat that radiated from it lightly burned their face and if they stared there too much longer, they had a feeling it might do more than "lightly burn" it.

Custard was facing the other way and very distracted as he believed he was holding a corpse of what may have been his friend at one point in his life. Crepe still wasn't sure if that was fully true but either way, Custard seemed to care and that care was distracting him from the very important problem they were about to face.

Getting stuck in the middle of a raging fire.

And so, unfortunately, they had to get Custard's attention. Slowly shifting in the embrace of the other cookie, they felt him jolt almost immediately upon the movement they made. Strawberry Crepe felt themselves be quickly taken from their spot and face to face with Custard and his teary-eyed gaze. The damaged cookie slowly opened their eyes into a squint, the lights still hurt their eyes, but Custard's eyes immediately brightened as he looked into the living eyes of the other cookie in his grasp.

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