••••《 1 - Ace Degenerate 》

Start from the beginning

I'm currently sitting alone in my poorly lit apartment by myself. I have nothing real to eat, and I'm worried for my dad. I just want him to be okay. I mean, it's nine. I sigh and place my head onto the table, closing my eyes. As I finally begin to calm myself, there's a sudden knock at the door. My whole body flinches and my eyes jolt open. I get up as the knocking intensifies.

"Brooke!" I hear someone yell from outside the door. The voice sounds oddly similar. I rush to the door and swing it open, standing in front of me in Miguel. I raise an eyebrow and make a face.

"Miguel? What the hell are you doing, it's nine o'clock-" I let out a sigh. "I told you, I was waiting here until my dad came home." I cross my arms, and suddenly, Miguel starts talking at the speed of light. He's absolutely panicked.

"I saw your dad!" Miguel shouts. "He was at the mini-mart! He didn't seem drunk, but maybe a little tipsy I guess. I don't know how alcohol works! I mean I guess-" I cut him off from continuing to talk about alcohol.

"Miguel!" I snap him back into reality. He jumps at my voice.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry!" He yelps. "Anyways, he was getting pizza, and then he went outside to eat it. Then, a bunch of bullies came into the mini-mart and I called them out for being underaged and trying to buy drinks!" Miguel takes a breath. "So then they started to beat me up outside and as you can see," Miguel tips his head towards me. "They spilled my Pepto-Bismol all over me. Then, they pushed me into your dad's car very harshly, and let's just say that pissed your dad off big time!"

"Oh dear God." I sigh.

"So then he instantly started beating up these kids! He was doing some super cool moves or whatever, so the police came, pepper sprayed him, and took him away." Miguel inhales deeply as my jaw suddenly drops and I stand in silence. My dad used karate on a bunch of teens and thought there would be no consequences?

"So my dad's in jail?" I spit out. Miguel nods. "Thanks for telling me." I sigh and begin to shut the door.

"Hey, I'm guessing you haven't eaten yet?" Miguel says, stopping me from shutting the door. I shake my head no. I'm silent though. "I'll get you leftovers from our dinner tonight! It's really good." Miguel smiles softly.

"No, you really don't have to you know, I mean, I still have to do a few things about my dad, so I doubt I'll have time to eat." I make up an excuse as fast as possible. Miguel gives a shrug.

"I really don't mine! Seriously!" Miguel smiles a bit. I don't know what to do. I feel embarrassed. I hate that this is happening, and I hate that Miguel is the one telling me this. I met this kid today. I don't want his help, and I don't need his help. I've been independent my whole life.

"No, really-" Miguel instantly cuts me off.

"I'll be right back! I promise. You deserve a homecooked meal!" Miguel smiles and runs off. I watch him enter his house and I slam my door shut. I walk over to the home phone, knowing what I have to do. I hate to do it because I don't want to do it to my dad, but I also need him out of jail. I slowly begin to dial the phone. I sigh as I put it up to my phone and it rings.

"Yeah, Sid?" I sigh. "This is Brooke. I need you to bail my dad out of prison. Something happened."


☆ Scene Three - When Sid shows up at the house:

I wake up to the sound of fighting which is not something I'm used to. The last thing I remember is eating the dinner Miguel gave me and then conking out. I was so tired and exhausted based on how my night ended up being. With an annoyed grumble, I pull myself out of bed, ripping the blankets off of my body, and put my ear to my bedroom door.

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