The Sorting Hat

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"Come on Y/N we have to go," my dad said with anger rising in his voice. My dad was a professor at Hogwarts, professor Snape, and he definitely didn't want to be late.

This was going to start off my first year, I was so nervous. I was scared about getting put in the right house, of course my dad is head of the Slytherin but I didn't want to let him down.

I was walking up to platform 9 3/4, when I heard a lot of blabbing going on behind me then some random guy wrapped an arm around me.

"Now who might this fine lady be," I've never seen this guy before. He had brown hair and he was a little pale.

"Um hi I'm Y/N," I slowly pushed his arm off of me, it made me uncomfortable.

"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N I'm Cedric Diggory." 

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Would you like to sit with me on the train," I was a little shocked, he just asked right up and he didn't even know me.

"Uh sure." We walked together the rest of the way.


"Oh um crap... well I know I said you could sit with me but all my friends are in here, there not enough room.." that kind of broke my heart not gonna lie.

"Oh no worries, I'll find somewhere to sit." I turn around to walk away and I ran into two red heads.

"Oh sorry," I say.

"It okay haha, what's you name." They were identical, I can already tell this is gonna confuse me.

"Y/N, and yours?"

"I'm Fred, and this is my brother George."

"I would've never guessed you two were brothers, and it's nice to meet both of you."

"Nice to meet you too," they laughed and said at the same time. "Do you want to sit with us?"

"Uh yes that would lovely."

I go and sit where they led me, it was literally at the end of the train. They kept talking and talking but I was just trying to tell who was who.

"Is this your first year," one asked.


"Ooooo what house are you hoping to get put in?"

"Uh well my dad is Severus Snape so if I don't get into Slytherin he will probably kill me."

"No way," one said then the other one chimed in, "your dad is professor Snape!"


"Well that sucks for us, we're in Gryffindor so we basically have to be enemies."

Seriously? I asked to myself. I found friends and it's like we can't even be friends what? "Oh, well we could still be friends I don't think it matters."

"Yea I guess."


"So I guess I'll see you at the feast, you have to go with all the other first years."

"Yep see ya."

I walk into Hogwarts with all the other first years, I was so nervous. I've seen Hogwarts before I've had to come here before with my dad. Thoughts kept running through my mind 'what if I don't make it into Slytherin.'

"Everyone!" Professor McGonagall said, "welcome to Hogwarts, in just a minute we will get going to the sorting hat and get you into your houses."

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