-Hey not true, but the fact that at the moment we almost always accommodate you to the point, but still, I just want to eat and that's it!;

-Yes, yes, of course, in short, you have feelings for a girl on the sly, or maybe it's just friendly feelings, in short, I can't explain, but some of this is for sure and all is well if anything, well, you understand me;

Throwing out the garbage, I headed back home, okay, though sunny, but cold, how terrifying.

-Aigu understood, thank you Elk, I love you, we will think that this is just friendly and I just have worries for Minari, or maybe because of someone else, yeah... exactly, okay then, I'll come right now, thanks for the conversation, for the support, I love it very much again, see you and I am glad to hear that you will be here during the winter holidays;

- All for your sake, dear Tzu! That is not all my noodles, it's definitely her! And I love you very much Chuvi, okay, let's call you if we can write off, bon appetit by the way, by the way;

- Uh-huh, while unnie, I MISS YOU!;

-And I MISS YOU to, leave;

-Hee, pocky;

-What pleasant morning negotiations with Elki were, - I thought and went into the elevator, then when I was on my floor, I opened the door and closed it, took off her down jacket and changed slippers for her home, then noticed Minari hadn't got up yet, although it's already 11 : 49, it's almost lunch time, a tired Penguin means he's sleeping off, and by the way I got up at 10:08 and slept like, well, okay, not a lot of sleep tends, so everything is zashibumba.

Probably at 12:00 you can wake up this sleepy milady Miss Myoui for a brunch, and while I sit and watch short YouTube videos in the living room, I will wait for her, even though she said «you can eat without me», well, she says so many times, when he hears that I was waiting for her, well, this, I don't know, immediately begins to grumbling unnie.

It's time to wake up Mina, and if she hadn't slept all this time, but just lay and sat on social networks or played games on the phone, or had already got up and ate while I was away, or was going to go somewhere with someone, or maybe I just strange already daytime thoughts went, hee oops.

Entering the room, I saw the still sleeping beauty, oh that is, Miss Myoui.

Having approached and opened the curtains and sat down opposite the sleeping Penguin, I will not wake up criminally.

-One, good afternoon, get up! We need to have breakfast, - I said and poked her cheek several times.

No answer, brushing a strand of hair and poking Miss Myoui on the cheek again, was finally able to wake her up.

-Good afternoon, Tzu, - Mina said sleepily and opened her eyes, but did not budge.

-Kind, kind, we have to go to eat, - I said and smiled at her with a smile.

-Uh-huh, why do you have cold hands?, - Mina asked and took her hand out from under the blanket, until she touched my hand, I was embarrassed.

-Aaa, n-probably they haven't warmed up yet, I went out to throw out the garbage and it's cool outside, but I didn't wear seals, maybe that's why they're cold, - I explained and tried to calm myself.

-Uuu smart, Chewie!, - Mina said and closed her eyes, but did not take her hand off mine.

-Miss Myoui, we need to have breakfast and then we can walk around the city or just walk or buy something, - I said and got out of bed, but still holding her hand, she opened her eyes and sat down from a lying position said:
-Okay, I get up for 15 minutes and I will, - and dropping my hand and nodding in understanding, went into the living room, waiting for her and while I go set the table and maybe start watching something new or listen to music.

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