• Just a few days •

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• Monty Pov •

I patted their hand and went back up with everyone.

Gregory was eating and the rest were there.

Gregory waved.

"hey little guy"

"how is y/n? no one will tell me what happened.."

"there's a reason why, don't worry about it. you saw how bad they looked." Freddy handed him a cookie

"yeah but still. i want to know"

"well y/n is fine. they can talk, smile, move their face, everything is back in place." i said sitting down

"did you do that to them Monty? your claws are sharp" he said looking at my hands

"kid, I'd never hurt them."

"well if you say so"

"it's good to hear they're doing well." Freddy nodded to himself

we sat there for a few hours when chica got an alert to go down to the doctor. i wanted to go to but was told not to

soon chica came up, helping y/n.

"y/n!! you're okay!" Gregory rushed up to hug them

"yup, I'm all good. i just need to go home and rest, you want to come along?"



y/n took Gregorys hand "were heading home"

everyone nodded and they left. after a bit i followed after them

"y/n, you walk so fast" i said after catching up

"do i? huh"

"you do yes."

they held my hand along with Gregorys

"I'll walk slower then"

"make sure to or i may never be able to keep up"

we both laughed. Gregory was looking at me weird

"something up little guy?"

"do you like y/n?"

"no. absolutely not. why would you think that" i said rolling my eyes

"we're just friends Gregory" y/n nodded

"sureeeee" Gregory said eyeing us both

we reached the door and y/n told Gregory to wait outside

"I'll see you in a few days."

"I'll be here. I've got nowhere else to go."


y/n hugged me. of course i hugged back. and they kissed me again, they seem to like doing that.

"goodbye" they waved leaving

"goodbye, my rockstar"

"awe" they smiled

Gregory saw us and yelled "I SAW THAT. JUST FRIENDS MY ASS"

y/n laughed, stepped outside, and started walking with Gregory to their car.

there was a voice behind me "so that's whats going on."

i turned around. it was Vanessa.

"Montgomery. you can't kiss staff"

"i didn't kiss them, they kissed me"

"should i have them fired?"

"NO. no. don't."

"you know this can't end well. for anyone."

"fuck off Vanessa." i flipped her off and went back to the group. i didn't care what she thought

this one's a little short but i will make it up to you next chapter, promise!! thank you for reading ♥️♥️

''When he sees me.'' Monty x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now