• Enough people dislike you •

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• Monty Pov •

"i did something i never would do if i was thinking properly"

they moved back "i know. and I'm sorry for what im about to say."

my heart sank. that could only mean bad things.

"okay so listen. I'm gonna need a bit of space from you. things are going way too fast and while it is exhilarating it's just not the way it should work."

"you don't hate me?"

"absolutely not. how could I?"

they looked away for a second. "i also have another concern. i don't know if it'll even work eventually. i mean. you're amazing, definitely. but you're an animatronic. it's weird if you think about it"

"I've been thinking about that. I've got no solution." i looked over to chica, still there

she looked sad.

y/n smiled at me "but i never said we couldn't figure it out. we just need to go slower okay?"

"i know. yeah"

y/n hugged me again "for a robot you're kinda nice to hug"

"hah okay" i patted their head

"i need to go back to work. bye!" they headed out and went to do whatever.

chica came up "well. i knew setting you two up would work, one way or another"

"while i am very grateful it is quite early."

"well me and Roxanne have been dating since we met, we just clicked. i hoped i could do the same for you"

"what? you never told me"

"i thought it was obvious!" chica laughed

"i suppose it kinda was. considering how close you two are" i laughed as well

"anyways, i told you it's be okay, y/n is sweet."

"i know. way too sweet."

"I'll leave you to it. i do wish you luck with them." chica patted my hand and walked away.

• Y/N Pov •

welp. back to cleaning. and doing my best to not think about what happened. i reached out to feel my face again. it hurt. why was I not going to a doctor? no idea. i just wanted this to day to be over.

chica came by "is everything okay?"

"everything but my face yes" i laughed

she didn't laugh back. she looked concerned. "you should really go to the first aid place here."

"there's a first aid place?"

then she laughed "yeah, of course there is. c'mon let me take you"

we got there and someone was down there. turned out there's doctors here. uh. interesting.

"oh, why are you here?" the person asked

chica spoke for me, "Monty clawed their face in"

"Monty didn't claw my face in. well. he did but still"

"what." the man looked concerned as hell. "let me see"

i took down the face covering and he looked more concerned. "that's definitely clawed in. I'm sorry to say it but you're gonna need to stay here for a bit. and no work"

"oh. is it really that bad?"

he showed me a mirror. i see why he's concerned.

"okay. yeah i see now."

• Chica Pov •

after y/n had passed out and the doctor was taking care of them i went to Roxanne. i hadn't seen her since yesterday.

i found her room and there she was.

"Roxanne honey, are you okay"

she turned around and hugged me "oh there you are. is everything okay? i don't remember anything from yesterday"

"well. no not really. but I'm glad you're okay."

"what? what happened?"

"Monty ,, severely hurt y/n"

"what? he did what?"

"he didn't do it on purpose Roxy."

"i do one thing to help him and he hurts y/n? no I'm talking to him."

"hey please listen to me, calm down"

"chica. i don't care if it was an accident. all i know is out friend hurt someone and i want to know why."

"he was being controlled. that's why. we were all being controlled."

"what did he do to them?"

i showed her by putting my hands up to my face and making a slash. she pushed me out of the way and booked it to Monty's golf course. this won't be pretty.

• Roxanne Pov •

Y/n is so sweet. their nice to chica, their nice to me, and they're even nice to Monty. and he hurts them? no. no no no.

i march into the place. "Monty" i growl.

he comes out. "Roxanne? what-"

"don't start. you hurt y/n."

chica came running in after me "roxy please i didn't finish"

i glared at her and she backed up.

"you hurt y/n."

"they're in really bad condition. they can't work. and they're not allowed to see you at all for a bit" chica came up, on my side

"what?" montys frowned and looked at the two of us

"i don't care if it was an accident you shouldve done better. people blame things on you, you know. Bonnie's disappearance has people pissed at you. and now this? you're hurting people nice to you?"

"i didn't mean to Roxanne. maybe you should check your attitude"

"attitude! check my attitude?! you fucking pretentious bastard. check yours."

"you think i would've done this if i had the choice? i like y/n. and I've never liked anyone before in my god damn life. shut the hell up"

"sure. sure you like them, let's completely ignore the fist you left on your door when they went to say hi"

"Roxanne please stop. this isn't helping" chica held my arm.

"fine. you know what fine. Monty, we all like y/n. and we like that you are happy. and we like that things are okay. but now they're hurt. physically and I'm sure mentally."

"i know. don't you think I'm mad at myself too? every second I'm thinking about what i did." Monty sighed. and left

"he needs space. i think we all do." chica put her head on my shoulder

"this is the first time I've liked a worker. they do things for us no one else would." i leaned my head on chicas. "maybe i shouldn't have yelled at him like that. it won't help"

"yeah. he's hurt enough"

Hello again, thank you for reading :D !!! we're at a pit of a sad place right now but i promise soon I'll make it happy again we just need angst. have a great day!! 💖💗💖💖💗

''When he sees me.'' Monty x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ