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As the days passed by, the scorching heat was becoming unbearable and so were the lies everyone kept telling Juniper.

Juniper had picked up on Harry not getting enough sleep, but he always dismissed her worry with "just childish nightmares" as his reply. Juniper wanted to know about those nightmares, even if they were childish for him. It wasn't Harry alone who had been acting suspiciously, her parents were acting strangely as well. They tried to pretend that they weren't on the outlook 24/7 but they were constantly on High Alert, coming back home later than usual at times and not telling her where they were going.

Especially not letting her out of the house, all alone. Someone had to be with Juniper if she wanted to go out. The strange behavior made Juniper question her parents and Harry but it was of no use, it was as if they were a team working together and her an outsider.

For she couldn't really go out of her house, Juniper now had a schedule which involved naps from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. while cuddling with Harry. The cuddling was moving towards more, rapidly. Juniper was sure about it but she didn't want to rush Harry into anything. Until one day when they took things far enough to when Juniper showed Harry a couple of bathing suits and lingerie she had bought from Italy. It did hurt, but Juniper didn't tell Harry to stop, only taking a few minutes to adjust as she asked him to continue.

Harry felt over the moon after their first time, but second and third time. It only got better. Having such a deep intimate connection with Juniper, only made Harty worship the panting girl more.

The naps helped Harry greatly, he felt safe as he fall asleep either on the huge couch or in Juniper's bed with her being the bigger spoon from time to time. Harry knew that Juniper had introduced the naps in her schedule only because of him and his lack of sleep and he was glad. He had been asking her parents about the possible havoc that Voldemort might be causing but felt the frustration grow because they always had only one answer, "He isn't doing anything."

Harry was also upset with his friends and Juniper didn't have any comforting either, because the situation was too suspicious and fishy.

Why would anyone's friends avoid a member of their group unless they didn't want to associate themselves with them?

"They're complete nutters, I'm telling you Harry" Juniper shrugged as she skatedaround Harry in circles. They had come a little faraway from Surrey, at a skateboarding rink where Juniper was showing Harry how she could do quite a few flips now.

"Thank God I have you then" Harry chuckled at her words as he saw her drop from a high end and then go around on the up and down wave like concrete pavement. Another reason to admire Juniper Lloyd.

It had been nearly a month, Harry's nightmares were getting a bit better whereas Juniper had stopped questioning her parents about their estrange activities after the couple had reassured their daughter that they would explain everything to her, soon.

It was a Sunday afternoon, almost evening when Harry and Juniper had decided to go to the skating rink. Harry was agitated by his friend's lack of responses but spending time with Juniper made him feel at ease. He didn't know how was he going to survive another year at Hogwarts without her.

"Juniper... I love you" Harry whispered when they were walking back home, arms linked together.

"And I love you Harry James Potter" Juniper giggled before attacking her boyfriend's face with kisses. The pit of nagging feeling that she had in her stomach had stared to melt away when she saw that they hadn't drifted apart.

But it hadn't melted away completely.

Juniper and Harry sat on the swings as they had a competition amongst themselves to see how high the other could go.

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