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Juniper was feeling a bit down in the dumps after her boyfriend had to leave early, continuously for the last two years, staying only for a period of maximum one month only. The lack of connection and time spent together left her feeling angsty and crestfallen. Her loud and open personality slowly started confining itself in the four walls of her bedroom. It was unhealthy? Yes. But did that mean that the thought of breaking up had crossed her mind? No.

As much as the two longed for each other and Juniper battled her insecurities, they were both holding on too tightly. It was being held so tightly that it had started suffocating them. But they were too scared to let go, fearing that they would fall off if they let go of the rope, of bond.

After pads had left and never returned again, Juniper could be heard incoherently mumbling about wanting a pet. It made for a perfect birthday and apology gift in Harry's eyes. He had bought for Juniper, a non-magical cat from the magical menagerie that was in Diagon Alley. The owner had found the cat beside a dumpster and had decided to foster it and lucky for her Harry bought it. For only five galleons.

Juniper was elated with her gift, forgiving Harrh immediately. But it didn't last when Harry had to leave for a school trip. The Quidditch World Cup.

Juniper waited patiently outside of Number 4 Privet Drive, for Vernon Dursley to drive in with Harry. Half an hour later, the familiar car of the Dursley's came into her view making Juniper abandon her skateboard and step towards the now slowing car.

Harry was not expecting her to be waiting for her, but was he glad? Yes.

As soon as Harry stepped out, he felt himself being pulled in a warm hug. Juniper held on tightly, tearing up but she blinked her tears back. She finally had him and she wasn't planning on letting go without a fight this time.

"You look" Juniper whispered as she broke the hug and her eyes took in Harry's doleful expression. His usually bright emerald eyes were tired and lacked the twinkle he always carried around. "Exhausted." She finished softly.

Harry felt a turmoil of emotions churning up inside of him after hearing Juniper's soft observation. He wanted to break down and tell her all about the Tri-Wizard tournament but he couldn't. It only left him feeling drained. "I am" he admitted.

Juniper didn't need another reason for her to drag Harry to her own house.

"Wait here" she told him as she went to grab at the trunk inside of his car. Harry lurched forward before she could touch the trunk and see the logo of the school printed on it.

"What are you doing?" He questioned with slight stutter.

"Getting your trunk, you're staying over at mine"

"No he isn't!" Vernon hissed from the front door. But Juniper paid him no mind as she stared at Harry with pleading eyes.

"Let me keep the trunk up, I'll be back" he told her softly.

"Listen here boy—" Vernon started but Juniper threatened him with her father, making him shut up and go in grumbling to himself.

Harry carried his trunk up before returning with a small bag with a change of clothes in them. The two walked to Juniper's house, hand in hand.

"I really missed you" she told him as she gave Harry's hand a squeeze.

Harry appreciated the warmth radiating off of her. He felt like a child who just wanted to curl up and complain about the slightest of inconvenience. He wanted to stop lying to her, specially after what had happened and what he feared was going to happen.

"I missed you too" he told her after a moment.

They reached Juniper's house, but before stepping in, the two had simultaneously dived in for a heated kiss. It was filled with want, need, desperation, sadness and lust.

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