Joe was a model. A few weeks after he'd asked me to be his girlfriend, he was offered a place in a Model Agency. To be honest, I wasn't that surprised.

Anyway, Selena and Shane, well, they was currently living together, and were engaged with a child. I was the godmother, and Joe was the godfather.

If you're wondering about Alice, well you know Joe's other high school best friend, Spencer? Somehow they had ended up in the same college, and they immediately hit-off.

Last of all, Maria. Well, I didn't know about her because we still didn't talk after all those years. The truth was, I did not plan on contacting her and starting all over again, and with what she said to me the day I had the courage to go to her house, I didn't think she was going to either.

Oh, wait, how could I forget? My ex-boyfriend, Derek. Well, Selena told me that he shared an apartment with his friend, and wasn't looking for a relationship yet. He didn't like that kind of commitment.


But Selena also said that he talked about me a lot, which might have caused butterflies in my tummy like it did all those years ago. Except it didn't. But I knew why.

Because I had my own man.


It was 7:35PM in our house and our children were watching TV in the living room.

"Okay kids, it's time to go to bed now!" Joe said to Janet Jamber Smith, my daughter and Aaron Joe Smith, my son, making them look at him instead of the cartoons.

I'd decided to name my daughter my middle name, and Aaron was Joe's middle name. Aaron was going to originally be called AJ, short for Aaron Joe instead of Joe being his middle name but I didn't want it to be, so we just decided on Janet and Aaron.

Aaron was the older twin by 7 minutes, which was actually my favourite number, funnily enough. They were both 8 years old, and Joe was 32 while I was 31.

I felt so old.

Anyway, Janet shook her head vigorously, her brown curls flying all over the place. Her hair was very think and curly, making it hard to tie up or tame.

Joe had once cluelessly suggested that I should straighten it but I gave him a 'are you actually asking me that?' look and shook my head, refusing to do anything to my beautiful daughter's hair. She could straighten it if she wanted to when she was old enough but her now her hair would be natural and stay natural.

"No! Can we finish this?" Janet pleaded, widening her big blue eyes.

"Honey, you have watched enough cartoons, you need to get your sleep, you have school tomorrow." I said in a soft voice, and Aaron pouted.

"Aright then. We'll go." He said, brushing his blonde hair from his face. I still didn't understand how he came out blonde with hazel-coloured eyes when Joe and I were both brunettes with brown and blue eyes.

Anyway, I beamed and then turned to my husband.

"Joe, it's your turn to tuck the twins in." I told him, and he sighed.

"It's actually your turn, but because I love you, I'll do it." He replied, and I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks, hon!" I said, and walked into the living room, hearing them talking.

"Daddy, can you tell us a story?" I heard Janet ask.

"What story honey?"

"The one about how you and mummy met."

"I'll need mummy for that," He told them. "Amber!"

I stood up, stretching a bit and walked into their room. I sat on the edge of their bed, and turned to them.

"Well, our story is really long, but I guess I can tell it one more time." I told them, and they both nodded, grinning.

"It all started with me Pranking The Playboy..."



I just wanna thank everyone who stuck with this book! There's a trillion mistakes and I swear I will edit them all. I-I just can't believe my baby is finished!

I love all of you guys soooooooo much for all the support on this book! I honestly can't thank you guys enough!

So, I'm going to do an interview with the characters, something I've ALWAYS wanted to do ever since I started this book, so guys, start your questions!!

Do one for me, the author and one for any character of your choice. I'll need at least 10 questions before I will post it, so get asking!

So this isn't really the massive, sentimental end note at the book I wanted, but I just want to say I love all of you so much, every single vote and comment, I appreciate all of them!

I'm going to try more ways to make my book more popular, and maybe you guys can help!

Just thank you again, and remember the questions!!!

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