Book 2, Chapter 15: Chaos in the Castle

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The two boys entered the ball by 3:00 pm.

(The whole day they just went around the kingdom looking at the scenery. Hey, free personal tour 😎)

They were both tired but Tubbo was looking forward for the drinks.

"Boo! Can we please go to the drinks now?"

"Don't you want to rest first, Bubs?"

"Eh.. I mean I am a bit tired. Okay! Sure, let's rest for a while."

Tubbo and Ranboo sat down on one of the couches (or sofas if you prefer -v-") and talked about sleeping with the lights on or lights off

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Tubbo and Ranboo sat down on one of the couches (or sofas if you prefer -v-") and talked about sleeping with the lights on or lights off.

"Lights on is so much better, you know? I got a nightmare once sleeping with the lights off."

Tubbo was afraid of the dark ever since he was 6.

"Why are you so afraid of the dark anyway?"

"I told you. It was because of a nightmare."

"Was is that bad?"

"No sh*t sherlock. It was like some robot gigantic ass robot chasing me around because I turned out the lights."

Tubbo shuddered.

"I never want to see that nightmare again."

Ranboo hummed in response.

~Time Skip because laziness~

The ball was like any other. Well, until the lights went out.

Then they heard a gunshot.

People started screaming, and Tubbo was panicking. He couldn't see anything because of the dark.

"Boo?!" He called out "W-where are you?!"

He tried to avoid the chaos in the castle as much as possible.

Tubbo felt like he was about to cry. The screaming and darkness is what's scaring him.

He went inside an empty room and cried. He couldn't find him. He couldn't see or hear him. He waited there until the chaos was done.

'Where did these people come from? How'd they get in??'

He asked himself.

'Please be safe...'


After a while it was quiet. There was no more screaming. It was very quiet..

(Play the music ;))

Book 2, A Beeduo Story: Life With My Beloved (Discontinued, Again)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin