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In speech's-----> When rimuru is talking to Raphael 'this will be used'

------>When Raphael is talking to rimuru《this will be used》

------->when people are talking with each other "This will be used"


My Name is Aaiden Caster, your average 17-year-old otaku student.

(This is what the main character looks like. I do not own this photo this is just an illustration)

 I do not own this photo this is just an illustration)

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I live in India, Mumbai is a pretty good city. Although there is a problem in India that I can't find another freaking otaku. I have been living with my stupidly rich father who doesn't even care grades I get. Well, he probably thinks that I am going to inherit his business so he doesn't pressure me to study or anything. Though I don't have any intentions of doing so. I just don't like standing out after my mother died cause I don't have anyone to show off to and I am a single child so I only aim at average results, but I can confidently say that I am the smartest student in my class. Well enough with this stuff what I like the most is reading manga, light novels, and watching anime. So thanks to my wealthy father I can buy lots of novels, but my best novel is the tensura series. It is pretty popular on Reddit nowadays. Well enough of that stuff, Today I am going to a café with my best friend Nabil. He has been my friend since before elementary as we are neighbors. We were going to the café to relax because our semester exams have ended and we are taking a break. while walking a suspicious-looking man seemingly passes us. But before I know it he stabbed me in the back after seeing my expensive watch, took it, and ran away.

----------Nabil's POV----------

After a second I realized what had happened and seeing my best friend fall on the ground from being stabbed, I immediately took out my phone. Luckily I have saved the number of the nearest hospital on Aaiden's persistence, called them told them our location, and asked for an ambulance. After that, I tried stopping Aaiden's bleeding from a cloth that I have kept in my bag but the bleeding won't stop.

----------Aaiden's POV----------

While walking towards the café I sensed that someone snatched my favorite watch and as I was about to turn back and see who took it I felt A pain so intense that I almost screamed. After I realized what is happening I thought to myself ' it's too hot it feels like it's burning. Wow now I realize what Saturo Mikami was talking about after he got stabbed in That Time I got reincarnated as a slime ' and then it happened the most wonderful thing ever.

《Confirmed. Teleporting an individual's soul to the world Tensura 》

《Confirmed. Establishing heat resistance. Success》

I was so surprised that I almost forgot the immense pain I had been feeling. To confirm my Suspicion I requested my current most desire to the seeming <Voice Of The World>. I thought that it hurts too much, and there it was.

《Confirmed. Establishing pierce resistance. Success. Additionally, establishing physical attack resistance. Success》

After this realization, I greedily asked for pain resistance remembering it from the light novel and I heard the voice again.

《Confirmed. Removing perception of pain. Success》

After this to be absolutely certain that I am not hallucinating I asked the voice for a body without blood and resistance against pain and paralysis. To give me the absolute confirmation I heard the requests being granted respectively. Firstly

《Confirmed. Creating a bloodless body. Success》

after that the second request.

《Confirmed. Establishing cold resistance. Success. Additionally, heat resistance has successfully evolved into 『Thermal fluctuation resistance EX』》

And lastly, I heard

《Confirmed. paralysis resistance has been acquired.》

With This, I realized that I could wish for any ultimate skills that I wanted. So first I wished for the Ultimate Skill Wisdom King Raphael and Ultimate skill Void God Azathoth.

《Confirmed. Ultimate Skill Wisdom King Raphael has been acquired.》 Continuing

《Confirmed. Ultimate Skill Void God Azathoth has been acquired.》

After this, I requested the origin skill Magicule Breeder Reactor. I didn't hear any response for quite some time and my conciseness was fading as well but I still had to wish one more thing so I desperately kept hanging to my conciseness. After what felt the most painful silence ever I heard at last for what I have been waiting for.

《Confirmed. Origin Skill Magicule Breeder Reactor has been acquired.》

the last requests that I could make were for Origin Skill Information King Akashic Records and Ultimate skill Harvest King Shub-Niggurath and after hearing words that I could no longer differentiate I felt my conciseness drifting far away.

《Confirmed. Origin Skill Information King Akashic Records has been acquired.》 Continuing

《Confirmed. Ultimate Skill Harvest King Shub-Niggurath has been acquired.》

With This, I was finally reincarnated.....

----------slime's POV----------

After what felt like no time has passed I finally regained my conciseness, realizing I could not see I asked my "would be" ultimate skill Raphael to gain the unique skill universal detect from Akashic records and she replied!!!

《Welcome Master. Acquiring Unique skill Universal Detect..... Acquired.》

《Activate Unique Skill『Universal Detect』? YES/NO》

I immediately replied with Yes. This is so much fun.

After activating the unique skill I could see a very familiar surrounding one that I have seen in the anime multiple times. ' Alright, Raphael I have a few things I want you to do. Can you do them for me?' after asking the question I heard an immediate response.

《I am here to serve Master. I will do anything you ask of me.》

Wow, she really is like the Raphael for the novel well whatever makes things easier for me.

'So Raphael firstly can you analyze the body from my previous life and make it so I can mimic it?'

After waiting for some time I heard her response.

《Yes master it is possible to mimic your previous human form, however, it will take me a week to completely mimic that form. Would you like me to start the analysis master?》

'Alright !!! Thank you Raphael and while you're at it can you make the hair silver-blue in that mimic?'

《It's an easy task, master.》

Wow, she really is amazing. Maybe I should call her sensei as well. Well, whatever let's just devour some precious minerals and herbs while Raphael sensei is analyzing my previous life's Human from.


Well, this is the first time I have written fanfiction I hope you guys will support it. please ignore the minor mistakes because this is the first time I have posted any story online. Well If I get 500 views I will continue this series I hope you guys will support it. Thanks for reading my post.

That Time A Student Got Reincarnated As A SlimeWhere stories live. Discover now