Ben's pov*
"What the fuck is wrong with you jack do you even know what she meant when she said she wanted to be with her wife do you know what she was insinuating" yelled Dean.
"That she wanted Maya to be alive and here" said Jack.
"No Jack she wanted to die so she could be with Maya again she doesn't want to live a life without her wife and you got into her fucking face like what the fuck" I said.
"You don't think we've noticed how much of a jerk you've been I know we all grieve differently some result in anger some result in alcohol and some result in drugs but you don't get to take your anger out on Carina not her that's the last person you should ever take your anger out on" said Dean.
"It's Andy's fault if she would have been paying attention to where the fuck she was going Maya wouldn't have felt the need to save her" said Jack.
"Are you fucking stupid man we all have been put into situations where the captain had to save us or even gotten injured trying to save us? You need to go see a therapist or some shit before Andy has you transferred or hell even demoted" I said.
"Please Andy is too caught up into Vic to even notice anything going on" said Jack.
"Man if I know I wouldn't get in trouble for hitting you I would do it now Andy is grieving too she lost her best friend but she also is feeling guilty for being the one that ended up making it out of the scene alive. You don't hear her screaming yelling begging Maya to come back. She's apologized to us for what happened because she was afraid that we would blame her and I don't blame her Vic doesn't blame her Ben doesn't blame her so go see a therapist I'll make sure that Andy makes you do so because the way you are acting is abusive towards Carina and you are acting like a child now grow the fuck up" said Dean.
"Well guys I'm going to go check on the girls they've been in the office for a while now" I said as I walked away and headed towards the office and knocked.
"Oh hey Ben what's up" asked Vic as she closed the office door.
"I just wanted to check on you guys is Carina okay" I asked.
"No not really right now her and Andy are sleeping I've been keeping an eye on them incase they wake up from a nightmare has Jack been dealt with" asked Vic.
"Yeah he blames Andy for what happened I think Dean was close to killing him" I answered.
"It's not her fault but if he continues being stupid she's going to transfer him to station 23" explained Vic.
"Yeah I know well I'm going to get started on cleaning some equipment I just wanted to stop by to check on you three" I said as I walked away.
"Thanks Ben" said Vic.

Amelia's pov*
"There's something wrong with Carina" said Meredith as she was looking at paperwork.
"Yes I'm sure we are all aware of that" I said while looking at some scans.
"No I mean like something is seriously wrong when's the last time she's actually fallen asleep without having to be so exhausted that she passes out. Do we even know when the last time she ate was" explained Meredith.
"I completely agree with Grey here Carina isn't okay because Ben just called me told me I shouldn't expect Carina to come back to work anytime soon" said Bailey as she took the scans from me to look at them herself.
"I mean none of us expected her to come back to work soon anyways" I said confused.
"Apparently Jack got into her face at the station today it was so bad that Miller had to push him away from her" explained Bailey.
"What did he say to her and what did she say for him to even do that" asked Meredith.
"She said she wanted to be with her wife and Jack screamed at her that she was never coming back and that she pretty much had to deal with it" explained Bailey.
"She wants to be with her wife" I whispered when I realized what Carina meant by that.
"Is she still at the station" asked Meredith.
"Yes Vic is watching over her and Andy from what Ben said apparently they both cried themselves to sleep" explained Bailey.
"What are we going to do about this jack situation because he's not making things any easier for Carina" I said.
"Andy said she would deal with it has his Captain and we honestly just need to be there for Carina like Maya was there for Carina when she lost her brother it's just not going to be easy because in reality no matter how bad we wish we could we can't force Carina to do anything" said Meredith.
"How is Andy doing though" I asked.
"Better than Carina only because it was mandatory for her to do therapy to begin with if she wanted to be captain but she's still having issues sleeping she screams in her sleep and he can here her begging for Maya from what Ben said to the point she won't go to sleep until she's super tired" said Bailey.
"Hey guys Carina is here and she's not okay not that I think so I mean I'm not sure" said one of the interns.
"Thank you we will go see her" said Bailey.
"Carina hey sweetie what are you doing here" I asked.
"I want to be with my wife people keep telling me that she's gone like I don't fucking know that. I go home expecting everything to be a nightmare Jack keeps yelling at me I just can't you guys help me" asked Carina.
"Help you with what" asked Bailey I'm pretty sure we are all worried about her.
"Nevermind It's not important" mumbled Carina as she walked away and too her office.

Without you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora