Sirius Black

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He would not forget the newest addition, a large black dog named Snuffles, who was currently sleeping on the carpeted floor next to the couch, he wondered where Harry got him and how he managed to get him inside without the wards of Hogwarts alarming the Headmaster. He didn't know and dubbed it as another 'Harry's Mystery' for now.

Snuffles let out a snort as if he was amused.

Sirius Black loves his godson, he would everything to make him happy, after all he had 13 years of not spoiling his godson to get back now that he is out of Azkaban

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Sirius Black loves his godson, he would everything to make him happy, after all he had 13 years of not spoiling his godson to get back now that he is out of Azkaban. Pettigrew will find his ass in Azkaban where it should be but first he wants to spend his time with his godson. 

When began following his godson around, after he shifted back to his human form at that muggle neighborhood and explained everything to Harry who had to hex his ass a few times before hugging him, Harry called him Snuffles as cover up and was able to get him back inside Hogwarts, the castle herself seemed to favor his precious godson and didn't even know it. Harry had him in a room which was supposed to be a classroom, inside the room was another boy, older and handsome.

"Darling, where did you get the dog?" The older boy asked his godson, Darling? Sirius's ears perked up at that, his godson was dating? He internally cheered as he knew Harry was gay from the moment he was born, James betted his son would be straight and seemed like Sirius won. "I found him Hogwarts gates, his names Snuffles and he's mine now." Harry simply said and went over to the couch and sat down, Sirius followed and jumped on to the couch, Harry laughed as Sirius affectionately licked his face. 

The older boy gave out a sigh and said, "At least give him a bath, I'll go transfigure a bed for Snuffles." Sirius was confused and surprised at how easily the other teen agreed, Harry  cheered and said, "Thank you, Cedric!" Sirius stared at Cedric and concluded the boy was fine for now. 


For the next few days, Harry was able to capture Pettigrew and kept him in a enchanted cage where the traitor would stay in his animagus form until Harry sends a letter to the DMLE, specifically Amelia Bones. 

Cedric didn't seem to mind seeing a rat on Harry's desk appear out of nowhere and said, "Shouldn't you feed him, love?" Cedric asked, watching the frantic rat roam its cage, he was currently fixing or modifying the time turner he had, Snuffles was sleeping under his desk, Harry hummed and said, "I already did earlier." That was a lie, Harry wanted that damn traitor to starve for betraying his parents and Godfather, maybe he could torture him too but he was too nice for that, Harry was hoping he would tell Cedric about Sirius and Pettigrew soon and went back to studying for his DADA assignment. 

Harry finally sent the letter after a week and told Cedric the truth after a week of waiting.

"So, Sirius Black is your godfather and was accused of murdering an old friend of you parents who was in fact a follower of Voldemort, Sirius Black escaped Azkaban after 13 years and has been pretending to be your pet dog Snuffles?" Cedric questioned, after hearing his boyfriend's explanation when he saw Sirius Black sleeping in the room he and Harry made for themselves, he pulled out his wand and was about to cast a stunner when Harry came back from his trip to the kitchens and stopped him, sat him down and explained everything.

Harry nodded and fidgeted in his seat next to Cedric, Sirius had a nervous smile on his lips and patted his godsons head, Cedric took a deep breathe and asked, "Is it okay to you that I am dating you godson despite being older than him and also, did you report the rat?" Harry and Sirius looked at each other and then at Cedric who shrugged his shoulders, "I may have dated your godson for almost an entire year but, I am already use to what I should be expecting from Harry as he is the Boy-Who-Lived and is friends with the Weasley Twins." He pointed out and it was enough to make Harry sigh in relief and Sirius bark a laugh.

Later, Pettigrew was picked up by Amelia Bones and her Aurors, Sirius was placed into a proper trial and got treatment for the dementor effects, the Dementors in the school was pulled back to Azkaban and Harry was happily out of the Dursley's grasps, Cedric being the one to threaten and hex the family for hurting his boyfriend. 

Sirius had to pull Cedric back with a grin while Remus explained to the Aurors what happened by lying through his teeth, Harry simply followed his godfather and boyfriend with a daze smile, imagining himself being rescued by his prince over and over and getting to snog him very passionately.

He may be 13 but he knew sex earlier than Dudley did and understood he was gay from a young age of 9. He just looked so innocent and he likes it when someone underestimate him. His hidden snake hissed happily at that.

|| James cursed in anger that he lost the bet but cried like a baby at the fact his son was growing up fast and had a happy relationship with a perfect boy, Lily rolled her eyes fondly and watched her baby be happy with Sirius and Remus and occasionally her baby boy's boyfriend Cedric Diggory and his secret best friend Draco Malfoy||

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