Chapter 1

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I open the front door of the venue and walk outside. I look to my left, men. Turn to my right, more men. Perfect. Today is the celebration of the first wedding anniversary for my bosses Tom and Hope Holland, the leaders of the mafia in England and Spain, and we want everything to turn out good.

"Jacob." I call out to the head of security and he walks up me. "How are things looking?"

"Running smoothly bother." He says.

"Thanks mate." I say patting his shoulder and walking away. I go back inside where the party is going on. This place is full of important people, in and out of the mafia business, chatting, dancing, drinking. On the other side of the venue I spot Tom, my best mate, looking around the place. His eyes land on me and he signals me with his head to meet him on the side. I walk to the where Tom is already waiting for me.

"Yes sir?" I say

"Fuck off mate," Tom says slightly punching my arm. "I fucking hate when you call me sir." He adds and I laugh.

"What happened?"

"Is there like an office here? Or a private room we can talk about business?" Tom asks.

"Are you serious Tom? This is a party to celebrate your anniversary and you're thinking about business?" I ask and laugh.

"You know neither Hope or i give a shit about this party. Our actual celebration starts tomorrow when we leave on holiday, this is for business, so is there an office here?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Yes, through the hall right here on the left." I point towards the venue office.

"Okay, get Dante and I'll get Hope. Meet us there." He says and I nod. I make my way to Dante Brambilla, the leader of the Italian mafia.

"Sir." I say and he turns around. "The Hollands would like to have a talk with you if you're available." I add.

"Oh yes, I am." Dante says.

"Follow me please." I say and make my way to the office, Dante follow behind me. We arrive at the office and I open the door for Dante to walk in. Tom and Hope are already here. I already know what this is about, and that it concerns me, so I walk in as well and close the door behind me.

"Thank you for accepting to meet right now Dante," Tom says. "Hope and I leave tomorrow on a trip and this is the only time we have to finish this deals." He adds.

"Oh it's no problem." Dante says taking a seat.

"We received the photos of the available venue you had for the club, we want to take it." Hope says.

"Perfect." Dante smiles at her.

"Harrison will be flying to New York tomorrow, he will be in charge of everything related to this specific business. If there's ever any complain about us or something related to the club needs to be discussed, you go to him." Tom says to Dante who looks at Tom surprised.

"You trust him that much?" Dante asks. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Harrison is not only my right hand and underboss, he has also been my best mate since childhood so needless to say I do." Tom says sticking up for me. Dante looks my way and I nod at him.

"Ok then." Dante says standing up. "Dan is the name of the man who's been taking care of setting everything up for your arrival." He hands me a card. "Give him a call when you land tomorrow and he'll be at your service."

"Thank you sir." I say.

"Now if that's all, I would like to continue to enjoy the party." Dante says.

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