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I am a Prisoner of War.
I'm not a survivor.
I'm still fighting.
What war am I fighting?
The War of Emotions.


These are but just a few emotions that are clashing.
They don't know when to stop.
The screaming, the slashing.
Today, it went over the top.

I am very depressed right now.
So I felt like I should share.
What I feel right now.
Cannot be compared.

To anything anyone else.
Has ever felt.
I'll put it to you simply.
You're not me.

You may think you know what I'm going through.
But you can't.
Because in order to know what I'm going through.
You have to see it through my perspective.

You must see through my eyes.
But you can only see through yours.
You must feel through my heart.
But you can only feel through yours.

So please, don't tell me that you 'feel what I feel.'
Because everyone is their own skin.
Your time as a Prisoner has come and gone.
Now my time has begun.

I am a Prisoner of War.
And I am always fighting.

Dedicated to the song "P.O.W. by Bullet For My Valentine."

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