Ch. 0 Prologue/Wattpad Description

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"Winter Rental", Ch. 0 Prologue/Wattpad Description, by Gratiana Lovelace
 January 10, 2022 

["Winter Rental" is an original contemporary romance copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace, 2022; All rights reserved.];  [(1) the "Winter Rental" story cover (above) image credits are at the end of each chapter post]

[Author's note: I cast my characters as I write my stories—to help myself and my readers visualize the main characters. So my main characters for "Winter Rental" are: Richard Armitage as Greg Halliday; Cameron Diaz as his younger sister Connie Halliday; Anne Hathaway as Diana Langley; [Liam]  Hemsworth as Eddie Hughes; Rege-Jean Page as Mike Porter, and others as noted.

[I'm going to post chapters of my story on both my SAL blog site, as well as, on my Wattpad site here]  And initially, I am posting Ch. 0 Prologue through Ch. 2 to get this story started, then after that I will post new chapters weekly.

This is also a gentle romance (with chapters being rated as PG-13 or so, unless otherwise noted), with some heartfelt romantic moments—and some mature romantic discussions put to humorous effect. So if you cannot or will not attend a movie with my maturity ratings, then don't read that chapter. And though I set my story in the lovely city and area of Galena, IL—which I have enjoyed visiting many times—for the purposes of my storytelling here, I use dramatic license of the facts, individuals, locations, etc. These are my disclaimers.]

"Winter Rental", Prologue/ Wattpad Description

Though Diana did decorate her home festively this past Christmas 2021, she didn't have anyone to share it with. And after the Christmas Holidays, there is always a let down. But Diana hopes that the new year of 2022 brings with it new possibilities for friendship, and perhaps more. At twenty eight years old, Diana is young and youthfully beautiful—with lovely auburn hair falling in curling waves over her shoulders, a clear complexion, expressive kind eyes, and full lips that beg to be kissed. She just needs to find the right man whom she wants to kiss, she thinks bemusedly. Were this another era, she would be labeled a spinster. However, in our modern era, women are not defined by their marital status. But for many people, they hope to find that one special someone to share life and love with as they grow old together. And for Diana, she hopes to find a love of a lifetime.

To be continued with Chapter 1

Nota Bene: The story cover for my original contemporary romance "Winter Rental" (Copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace, 2022;all rights reserved) is a composite of three images:
a) a Wintery image of ski chalets previously shared by Sueli; Grati edit for color and size; with AR Berkley text;
b) Greg Halliday--is represented by Richard Armitage-2022-in cream-sweater-pensive-photographed byKaitlynMikayla_Jan04-2022viaNobleman-Mag;
c) Diana Langley—is represented by Anne-Hathaway-2021--butterscotch-sweater-flyaway-hair-no-makeup_Jan09-2022viaVariety—Grati-crop-szd; image found at ;

SAL blog Post#1438 link for Ch. 0 Prologue through Ch. 2 of "Winter Rental":

"Winter Rental", by Gratiana Lovelace (Done 2022) (copyrighted  2022)Where stories live. Discover now