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co-translator : pearlrosereader


Fahlan from the second floor, clasping his hands tightly, looked at Sherbet, his legs wanted to get closer to comfort him but he knew he should not because perhaps this was the right moment for Sher to cross the wall that he himself had built.

Fahlan would probably be distracted and could wander far but he knows that in the end he has to get back to him or he could lose him.

...It's a risk...

He was playing on the other party's feelings but for Sherbet's sake and even for Fahlan's own, the older one knew that everything must be clear.

                                                                                                                                            .......... Another scene

At dawn Sherbet went to study, although the night before he had barely slept, as last night he had simply sat on the floor of the room staring at Fahlan's back ... the same familiar broad back that he watched all morning until dawn that day he also came to the University early.

He had been staring like crazy when he became obsessed with something staring for hours  lost staring at Fahlan. He had been staring at Fahlan so much to the point where he has become afraid of himself.

👉What's wrong with me?

👉Why is this possible?

"Sher, you came early."

"Wife, Hello Gear," Sher greeted Prince and Gear.

"Why are your eyes so dark?" Prince asked adding: "You didn't sleep, did you?" Prince finished speaking, sitting next to Sher, holding his friend's hand worriedly.

"Oh, there is a little matter,” Sher said trying to sound nonchalant and at the second he added: "Let's have dinner together tonight ok."

"Did you fight with you Phi?"

"No ... not that," Sherbet replied.

"It's just been a long time since we ate together, especially since you've been dating Phi Fa."

Sher's slender eyes looked away from the distant thing he was trying to see and he turned - frowning - to the friend who had just spoken.

"Have I changed so much in this time?" 🙄

"You don't travel, you don't go anywhere, you don't go to my bedroom, you don't invite me anywhere," Prince explained adding: "Besides, it's Phi Fah who comes to bring you to the University and it is he himself who picks you up at the end of classes then,”

The words of derision elicited a slight laugh and Sherbet could only reply, "I will continue to be with you more often."

The class was really boring for Sherbet, he just stood there holding a pencil in his hand, while the words of the lecture entered his left ear and left his right and so he let time pass until classes finally came to an end.

Every day at this time -at the end of classes-, there was a "white Innova" waiting in front of the school building, to pick him up -Sherbet- but today that spot is empty. In front of the school there is only the "Yaris" -Sher's car- ... the same car that had previously been in Fah's house and that this morning the economics student himself had simply brought, also informing that he could not pick him up at the end of class.

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