Chapter 10: ~ Just a Dream? ~

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"Faster!" Rookery yelled at Maney who was heaving a bomb from the pick-up truck. "The traitor and his friends might be here anytime soon." It was officially the next night, and Tony and the others were a few meters away from the two.

"Are they planning to kill off my family? My big brother and my whole clan are still in there!" Rudolph hovered up, his hands clenched before Tony pulls him down by his ankle.

"We'll save them Rudolph trust me." He says hugging Rudolph.

"We're still here," Sonny said clearing his throat.

"Shut up." Amos looked at Sonny and Tony, who glared at each other.

"Rudolph!" Anna shouted following behind his brother who planned on stopping them before they activate the bomb.

"Idiot," Amos said before grabbing the other three by their shirts running after Rudolph and Anna.

"Oh look, the traitor and his friends, finally made up their minds to surrender the bloodsuckers." Rookery proudly said, folding his arms in front of him.

Amos raised a brow at him, he let go of the others and folded his arms in front of him too, copying Rookery's pose.

"Us? Surrender those kids? You out of your mind or something?" Amos sassed, before putting a hand on his hip. "Oh, you already are." He chuckled, winking at Edgar and the others.

Sonny covered Maney's mouth and eyes. "It'll be alright." He whispered in his ear not wanting to startle him, while Tony and Edgar hid the bomb in a nearby bush.

Rookery's expression stiffened and he gritted his teeth.

"So?" He started. "You're with them then, being a traitor to the human race." Walking towards Amos who started walking backwards to get away from him.

"Uhuh, what's it to you? Big guy?" Amos grinned at him, as he reached a dead end. "Too close for comfort old man." He said as Rookery gripped his collar. "You smell of cigarettes."

"What's it to me? It'll make my ancestors happy, as they also have been chasing this brat and his family for generations." He spat. "Vampires are undead people who feed on blood to live-"

"Petrificus totalus."(Petrificus totalus - a curse that temporarily paralyzes the opponent, except the eyes and breathing.)


"That's my boyfriend, you're talking to, annoying old man." Edgar was angrily pointing his wand at Rookery, as his body dropped.

Amos smirked and went to hug Edgar, kissing him on the cheek, then stuck out his tongue to Rookery who was looking at them with disgust.

"We're done here, brother!" Tony shouted,

"Call mom and dad, and we'll wrap this all up," Edgar said. Tony nodded.

Rudolph and Anna went down into the catacomb, Sonny followed behind them, morphing into his dog form.


"Why are you only arresting me, what about Maney-"

"You have the right to remain silent sir." The police officer said, gripping Rookery's wrist tightly, even though he was cuffed.

"Tsk." Rookery glared at Maney who they just released from his bindings.

He was tearing up, as he rubbed his wrists, Sonny tied him up too tight. (Is that the right word? Or did that make it sound wrong? TwT Help my mind is weird.)

"Thank you for reporting the man who has been disturbing graves once and for all, we've been getting reports of gravestones and covers being moved around, for the past three days." The officer said.

"The man was planning to bomb this place before we came to stop him, we hid the bomb behind the bushes beside their truck, I hope you got that checked," Amos said, and the officer nodded, calling over the other officers to check.

"Edgar! Tony!" Dottie ran to her sons and hugged them, squeezing the life out of them. "My boys, thank Heavens both of you are safe and sound."

"Amos? It is you." Bob happily said, giving Amos a manly hug.

"Uncle, it's been a while, you look 10 years older." Amos jokingly said. 

"Do I?" He asked. "My... It's because we've been worried sick about Tony, disappearing and not knowing where to find him, I'm glad you found him."

"We're glad we came to help, uncle. Sonny! You can come back out now." Amos yelled after the police left.

Sonny jumped out of the catacomb before morphing back into his human form. 

"Ahhhhh!" He yelled as swarms of Vampires were following behind him, as they fly out of the catacomb.

"Tony!" Rudolph's scream was heard through the crowd as he flew to Tony and tackles him,  before flying him up into the air. "You did it!"

"No Rudolph, we did it." Tony smiled and hugged him. "We did it."


Tony awoke from the sounds of birds chirping outside. He slowly stood up as he rubbed sleep away from his eyes.

"Was that a dream?" He asked himself as he went to open the curtains. 

"Ugh..." Someone says and covers up themself with their blanket. Tony smiles.

"Definitely not a dream." He giggled to himself, and the other pulled down their blanket, looking at Tony with questioning eyes. Tony waved away their curiosity.

"I just remembered, after meeting you, these past 4 years have been the best years of my life Rudolph." Tony smiled. 

He blushed and covered up again receiving a giggle from Tony.

"Well... Meeting you on my Birthday was the best gift I have received..." He said, and it was now Tony's turn to get flustered.

Tony smiled and laid back down beside his boyfriend again, Rudolph pulled him under the covers and hugged him.

"I Love you," Rudolph whispered. Tony chuckled.

"I'm gonna be late for school, but here I am getting spooned, things I do for you only Rudolph," Tony whispers back. "I Love you too."

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~ To Be Continued? Or The End? ~

Author's note: Should I continue this? Or declare this finished and make a second book?

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