However, I also know that he'll never understand why I chose to do this.

He's the new Knave of Hearts for a reason. He's loyal to the queen and this kingdom. But this kingdom has done so many horrible deeds that I've only waited for this time to come.

I've only waited for myself to finally marry someone so that I can become the king. I've waited to renew the meaning of red. Instead of anger and violence, it will be passion and royalty.

Something that the citizens have never felt for so many years already.

I later decided to sit beside the girl, quietly reading the words on the piece of paper. Everything in her vows seemed so awkward but I was glad that she tried her best to make it sound meaningful. She's still not ready to fake it all at our wedding.

Well, clearly, she hasn't been married before.

Even I haven't been married before but the literature of romance taught me to exaggerate how much I love a stranger.

But what if I'm falling for her?

"You seem focused..."

I say, causing her to lift her head up from the paper as she stares at me with a slightly annoyed look. I wouldn't technically count her as a close friend like Sunwoo but I guess I could say that she's comfortable talking to me. If she isn't comfortable talking to me, she wouldn't be talking to me in a casual way.

If she isn't comfortable, she wouldn't be rolling her eyes whenever I say something about our fake relationship.

"Of course, I'd be focused... Our wedding is in... almost four days..."

She looks up at the ceiling, taking a pause.

"I can't let this thing ruin both of our lives."
"You're right... I should be practicing, too."

I chuckle, causing her to shake her head while a small smile creeps up on her face. How can she be so relaxed with all of these things happening?

"How can you be so... carefree? I mean, you are getting married to a stranger? You are bound to me once the ceremony ends... perfectly, I hope."

I was curious about her relaxed behavior despite this whole mess. Yes, she can be impulsively annoying at times but she could've tried running away for once. Is it because she thinks that the plan will work? Or is it because she's afraid of dying in my own hands?

Well, I wouldn't want that to happen to her. I wasn't that type of prince. I wouldn't kill someone but I might torment them if they fail the plan.

This plan is for the best of everyone and I don't want to fail.

I don't want to be a failure.

"I know you didn't tell Sunwoo about your plan... and I trust both of you and Juyeon."
"You trust me? The prince who basically held you hostage?"

I was surprised at what she said, my eyes turning wider as my hand was on my chest. How could she trust me? I literally locked her up in this palace. She lets out a sigh before folding the piece of paper, crossing her legs as she gives me a stare.

"Technically, you didn't hurt me and you're only doing this to overthrow your mother, right?"
"Correct... but aren't you afraid that I might do something wrong to you?"

I ask once more as she puts down the sheet of paper on the couch, turning her whole body in my direction as she clears her throat. I'm surprised at how she suddenly trusted me. It's hard to trust someone if you don't know them.

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