Chapter 17

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Tubbo's POV

TW: Abandonment, fire, house fire, mentions death, swearing, mentions homophobia, mentions misgendering

"You keep mentioning a family you had as a ghost and how happy you were. What about us? We're your family too. Weren't you happy with us? And who was your family?" I asked.

"I was. I was very happy. With both of my families."

He sighed.

"But with this family I didn't feel pressured to be anyone. I didn't feel any pressure to be good enough, to stream, to please my fans, to please anyone. I could be myself, I felt like I could rant, I could say anything, I could be anyone I wanted."

I teared up. Did this mean he didn't feel like he could trust us? He could've told us this. We could've helped him.

"As for my other family..."

"Their names were Frankie, Oliver and Clementine. Frankie and Oliver were husbands back when most of the place around here wasn't built. It was literally just a forest, miles and miles away from a town. This was their house. They planted all the flowers here and most of the plants died through the years, but the ones around here lived and flourished. And so they sold them to make money to buy food.

"Later on in their life, a baby girl was left on their doorstep. They named her after the tree on the other side of their house. Clementine. 2 years after they took her in, they woke up to fire surrounding the house. It began spreading up and through the house. It had been lit by some straight guys from the city because back then, being gay was disgusting. Fucking idiots honestly. I mean let whoever love whoever. Anyway, long story short, they all died and I met them. I was practically adopted into the family and became Clementine's godfather." Will finished.

We all stared, horrified. Ranboo especially. And it made sense. Had they been born in a different century xe might've suffered the same fate as them.

"I was dragged away from them and I hate that. I want revenge."

Ranboo took a few steps forward.

"I'm doing this. For Frankie, Oliver, Clementine and everyone who's ever been injured or died because of who they loved or how they identified. Techno misgendering me and Phil practically encouraging it... they're hurting people like me and I want revenge for my community." Ranboo exclaimed.

Tommy and I nodded in agreement. "We're with you on this."

"Thank you. All three of you."

"But now it's time to make a plan." 

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