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The extremities once again returned to the earth's surface as the sun rose for what seemed like the infinitieth time. The golden rays take about 8 minutes to reach the surface of the earth, so for eight whole minutes the word is in purgatory, waiting for the day to commence. The transition is seamless between day and night, yet eight minutes are supposed to be void. Sometimes losing all logic is the most logical course of action.

The fish wake from their slumbers, happily swimming laps in the stream. The frogs get ready to sunbathe on the rocks and the owls find the perfect place to rest. All is calm yet nothing is certain. And for the ants "bad luck" is looking to strike them once again.

The small seedling wiggles with anticipation of living. It breaks free from it's jail and inserts it's tendrils into the surrounding dirt. The seed finds the soil sweet and moist. Perfect living conditions. However, there is only one issue, the ants colony is in its path of growth. Life for the plant means a desperate reworking of the structure of the ant hill. The plant has no sympathy so it continues to grow.
Over the course of many nights and days, the orchid slowly inched its way to the surface. The rays of the scorching and life giving sun was an entirely new sensation, one that the orchid must become accustomed to. The tiny stem poked through the earth with grand determination and little knowledge of the hardships lying ahead.

The morning dew settles on green skin like beads of sweat. The orchid unfurls its head and stretches out for the world to see its strength. Many visitors found their way to the orchid. A lady bug perched on the solitary leaf for a few seconds before leaping into the air and disappearing. Even the ants embraced the orchid after it destroyed their home.

No signs of wildness seem to exist, like a human meticulously sculpted the shape, until perfection. The stem continued to straighten and lengthen with each passing day, growing stronger and stronger. The stream however weakened day by day.

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