Say Something!

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"I'm the best...I-I'm still everyone's favorite....right? I am...the best I AM the best! I can find him...even with what he did. Because...because I'm the greatest!" Roxanne's frantic rambling could be heard between sobs. She constantly ran into staff bots, as they made the quietest of sounds, making her think it was Gregory. Then, she'd shout in anger. When going down the stairs, she'd almost fall several times and had to cling to the railing. "I'm everyone's favorite. I'm the g-greatest."

Her ears perked up at the sound of loud feedback. Roxanne started to run towards the source of the noise, but then she heard the sound of metal clanging together. As if it were one of them, one of the animatronics walking. The feedback started again. "What the hell?!" Roxanne shouted in confusion. She held her hands out more, trying to reach for the animatronic making the sound. "Freddy? Monty?!"

Roxy's hands were suddenly being held, she let them go, putting them on the person's shoulders. "Chica?" Her voice was soft and watery, "Chica, Chica, oh thank god." The feedback was heard again, but Roxanne still couldn't understand. She couldn't understand that Chica couldn't speak. That her voice box was taken out by the boy who took her eyes. The lack of speech made her worried. "Why...why aren't you saying anything? A-am I that bad? I'm still great right. I-I'm still the best. We- I can still find Gregory."

Her hands were put together, enveloped with Chicas. The two sunk down to the floor. "I'm still your favorite right? Right?! Do you still love me? Even without my eyes?" Roxanne started to sob even more than she had before. "WHY AREN'T YOU SAYING ANYTHING?!" Chica tried to speak, to scream back at Roxanne. To tell her how much she still loved her, but her sobs and speech all came out as nonsense. She didn't know what to do- she didn't...know...Chica's screeches that were, in reality, cries of distress. Her lover held her by the arms and put her face in her chest. "Speak to me! Please..." the please was quiet and weak. "Please say you love me...I love you so much Chica, don't leave me...I'm still Roxy-" Roxanne shook her head, "Chi-Chi...I'm begging..."

She looked down at Roxy, squeezing her hand tightly. Chica then got an idea. Carefully, she pushed Roxanne up, causing her to panic. "Y-you're pushing me away? No, no, please you can't- I-" She grabbed her hands. Cupping them on he cheeks, then slowly moving them to the center of her face. The realization had hit Roxanne like a truck. "Chica...o-oh my...I- it was that prick of a kid wasn't it?! Right? I know you can't speak, but it must've been. He took my eyes and your beak. Who knows if he got to Monty and Freddy, I'm going to kill him!" Roxy started to quickly get up, but Chica grabbed her, pulling her back down. She tried to speak, but only noise came out. Chica hugged Roxy affectionately, not planning on letting go. She needed this. They both needed this. Roxanne hugged her back tightly, burying her snout in her lover's shoulder.

"He hurt you...he hurt us...This wasn't supposed to- this wasn't supposed to happen. We've just been doing as we're told." Chica nodded, rubbing her back softly, soothing her. She thought the same thing. She planned to relax for the weekend. They weren't supposed to attack kids. Scare them. Harm them. But they were told to, and they couldn't really fight back. When Chica's beak and voice box had been ripped out, it felt as though she gained a bit of control. Roxanne probably did as well. She parted from the hug, and cupped Roxanne by the cheeks, then pressed her forehead against hers. They stayed like this. Eventually, Roxanne spoke up, "We should continue looking for Gregory...or at least find the others I guess. Before Vanessa sees us too." Roxy's hands were mirrored in the same position Chicas was, meaning she felt her nod. Roxanne placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. If she could smile, she would've, but y'know, no beak.

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