21| The start of a tragic story.

Start from the beginning

"thank you! next" she giggled, earning small laughs from the other girls behind.

caroline narrowed her eyes, turning to belinda.

"um, i didn't finish my cheer" the poor girl frowned, only making caroline do the same, straightening her posture up.

"stacey, get a mit and catch a clue. it's your third year trying out for the minutegirls. your waistline is thicker. your hairstyle is even more outdated. the only reason we let you get this far in the first place is because we wanted to see what lam—"

the girl was quickly cut off by a slap of a hand to her mouth, shutting her up before she could say anymore.

caroline pinched the bridge of her nose, before bringing her hand down to look up at stacey.

"stacey, we'd love for you to join us. meet us in the locker room after school for your uniform" caroline smiled at the curly haired girl, who sent her a thankful grin, squealing to herself.

the blonde had dropped her hand from belinda, who was now glaring at caroline as if she had just murdered someone.

"care, why would you do that?"

"because, belinda, i have some human decency, unlike you" she quipped, turning her body back to the stage, that was now being joined by jen lindley.

caroline's mouth went agape, smiling to herself as relief washed over her. caroline sent her a quick wave, one that she returned.

"i'm sure that you'll dazzle us, jen. i mean, after all, we all know how flexible you are" belinda forced a smirk, tilting her head.

"you'd be the one to know all about flexibility, belinda" caroline said, making belinda scoff at the captains words, shooting daggers her way.

jen was quick to throw the pom-poms to the floor, grabbing the mic to walk around with.

"when you see belinda and her clique in the hallway, you're desperately wishing that you were walking with them, aren't you? and thinking that maybe if you were wearing the right shoes, sporting the latest hairstyle and using the hottest shade of lip gloss,"

"then— then maybe they would toss a glance in your direction. ever wonder why they force their narrow-minded opinions down our throats? perhaps, it's because they have an inkling of what the future has in store for them beyond graduation"

"cut to 25 years from now. belinda mcgovern wakes up one morning feeling empty. her life has become a domestic wasteland. avoid this fate. don't let yoursef become another cookie-cutter blonde, size-4, rah-rah, sis-bam-boom, mindless, soulless, spineless wench. screw these auditions, screw cheerleading, and screw belinda mcgovern"

jen finished her speech, while caroline had felt more proud than ever, being one of the first to stand up and clap for the blonde.


coming home to a party was the last thing caroline expected, also hating the fact she was in an extremely short, tight outfit with a bunch of college students looking at her as if she was a piece of meat.

dawson had let her know about this plan to make money from the party, which she only agreed to let happen, if she got 50% of the cash he made, which he had to agree to.

caroline was in the middle of a large gulp of the sour drink, her gaze caught onto pacey, letting a sigh escape her lips. he hadn't noticed her staring, as he was in a conversation, but that didn't stop him from cutting the conversation off, turning his head to see the blonde, in the outfit he died to see her in.

a redness formed on his face, not even noticing he had begun to check her out, until his eyes landed on the most exposed part of her.

her cleavage.

he quickly excused himself from the talk, walking over to caroline, ever so smug. she did an eye roll, pushing herself off the wall she was leaning against, and made her way up the steps to her bedroom, with pacey following from behind.

as she was about to shut the door, a hand cut it off, pushing it forcefully open with a hard shove. her eyes had widened, falling back from the sudden movement, preparing herself to land flat on the floor, but never did.

she felt the warmth of an arm wrap around her waist, holding her up. she peered her eyes open, seeing a smiling pacey witter looking down at her.

"now, don't go falling for me, care" he cocked a grin, tapping her on the nose. she pushed him off of her, stumbling back.

"what do you want, pacey" she whispered, going over to her dresser, leaning her palms against the white wood, dropping her head down for her hair to fall in front of it, not wanting to face the brunette.

she heard a heavy sigh, the presence of someone pressing against her back was felt, letting her eyes flutter closed.

"i'm sorry" he said, leaning into her ear. her heartbeat seemed to pick up, feeling her hands harden around the wooden edge.

"i'm sorry that i ignored you, and i'm sorry we even fought. i miss you, a lot" he slurred. caroline knew he had been drinking, it was obvious by the way he walked, and the faint smell of alcohol that lingered on him.

she sucked in a breath, turning around to get a clear view of him, not realizing how close they were until she faced his green eyes.

he smirked, leaning in closer, making it a tight situation for her. she jumped up onto her dresser, with him settling himself in the middle of her thighs.

she relaxed, knowing that this was something he had usually done, just a little more risky, being that they haven't talked in months, and this was was the first conversation they would be having.

"i'm sorry, too. i shouldn't have blocked you out like i did" she mumbled, looking down at her fumbling hands. her head was brought up by two fingers at the tip of her chin, leading it up.

"caroline, it's okay. i just really want to know that we're ok"

"yeah, of course we are" she smiled, his arms wrapping around her waist, hugging her. he snuggled his face into her neck, holding her tightly. she did the same, holding him tightly.

"can i sleep here tonight?" he asked, still in the crook of her neck. she giggled, nodding. "yeah"

"i love you, care"

"i love you too, pace"

season 3 is my favourite season so i'm just rlly excited to start this.

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