Chapter 1: Woke Up In a Dark Room

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Tubbo POV

I didn't know where I was. All I remembered was that I'd just been putting my adorable Michael down for a nap and giving his baby chick some seeds before going to my room with Boo to have a nap ourselves. Parenting is exhausting after all. Anyway, the next second I was on the floor in what looked like a dungeon. It had the most disgusting cobblestone walls too. Like, what the hell?

Narrator POV

As the SMPians slowly woke up, more and more of them started stretching "Five more minutes"-ing and grunting, they had no idea what was in store for them.

The room had no windows and a locked iron door. Their entire inventory was gone. What they didn't realise was that a boy who had just been sat in the dimly lit control room had just teleported into the midst of all the chaos.

The youngest in the room, Tommy, who wore a cobblestone pin in his strawberry blonde hair was the first to speak. His hair was a total mess, his voice barely above a whisper in his sleepy stupor.

Tommy: Where are we?

Before anyone else could react, one colourblind boy with a cute mushroom hat on his head, a blue shirt with a red box on and anti-colourblind glasses over his tired eyes answered. The boy's hair however was not at all messy due to the amount of sleep he received due to being a mushroom hybrid.

George: I don't know. I just woke up!

This answer annoyed the group. Was Gogy really that stupid? Either way, the entire SMP answered in complaint.


Sam lost consciousness as a person inside him (not a split personality) took over, his skin changing entirely. This creature's name was "The Warden", the guard of the Dream SMP, triggered by Dream's presence outside of his cell in the gigantic Pandora's Vault.

The Warden raised a green speckled finger to his prisoner's scarred neck. The prisoner in question, Dream, flinched.

The Warden: Dream, you are required to be in cell #001, Pandora's Vault. Please state where we are and why you are not inside of your cell.

While the rest of the SMP freaked out about both the encounter between the warden and inmate, Dream seemed to know what to do.

Dream: I do not know our current location either. Just because I manipulated a child doesn't mean I drugged and kidnapped a whole server of people, while in a max security prison none the less!

The Warden's robotic eyes flashed a green colour registering what his prisoner has just said. Another command came into mind, overriding his previous commands to keep his inmate inside his cell.

The Warden: You have a point. Sit.

While the rest of the SMP expected Dream to start a fight, perhaps threaten the warden or make crude jokes about the robot, Dream nodded his head.

Dream: Yes, sir.

Dream sat down, following the orders of The Warden, his warden. All of a sudden, a screen came out of the wall. It had some text written on it.

Kill everyone in this room and leavs the sole survivor or vote out those who killed who will face an execution. Every day the room will become smaller until you will all be crushed.

Tommy: WHAT?

The rest of the SMP also registered their shock and horror, others shouting

Tubbo: (crying in autotune) I WON'T EVER BE ABLE TO USE NUKES EVER AGAIN!

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