Are we Friends

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Nanon pls dont do this to me, he was nibbling my ears and i start to moan he licks and bite my neck and then slowly trailing down to my nipple and he licks and bite my nipples and do favors with his hands in other nipple, i screamed yes baby it's soooooo good dont stop my little cat ....... baby pls don't stop i am going to cum, i moaned and withered and i screamed nan my baby ..... and came , then realised i cummed in my sleep, wow its such beautiful hottest dream and never in my life got such a wonderful orgasm before and he didn't touch my body but i cummed in my dreams. wowwwww. but i was embarassed too because Nanon is my close friend, very close but already we cross the small line between friends and lovers, maybe not him but me. Even Chimon understand that we cross the line but this cute cat don't understand our feelings, still thinks that we are close friend, he is clingy to friends but super clingy to me. When Chimon was shocked i understand that he realise that we are more than friends but I dont want to show anything in front of nanon, so i just explain nanon's cruch to Chimon but it was the most hard thing i had done to explain the situation as if nothing happened , chimon realise it clearly maybe he saw pain in my eyes and i laughed with nanon to tease chimon to erase my pain and Nanon's laughter makes me smile too. But my cat is having a super crush with a most beautiful, famous girl in our school , they are going to be cute beautiful pair but what about me. I am already possessive and want to cage him but It seems he is straight and maybe I misunderstood the situation, i am going crazy slowly, how I am going to make him mine. Is he really thinks me as a friend and nothing more, fuck now I know I can't go back as a friend and can't put my hands in his shoulders innocently and talk like friends, I decided to hide my feelings and thinking to avoid him. From today onwards I,ohm look nanon as friend only, not my lover and hide my feelings but will be with him forever as his supportive friend and nothing more. Nooooo I can't, let me try and court him. I was soooooo confused friends pls never never love  your friend, its not easy.
Nanon hugged me from back in school and kissed me in cheeks "good morning buddy", wow he smells fresh wind and lemon, oh God please let me do the right thing to make both of us happy, "hmmmm Dimple what do you think about same gender love and marriage", he was silent, i want to see his eyes and so i start to  turn back at the same time he turns to look into my eyes , our lips brush with eachother both of us are perplexed and say sorry at the same time, he wipes his lips and give a disgust smile and i was heart broken but i smiled mildly without showing any feelings in my face. I thought this is the not the right time to talk, so we talk randomly and laughed. But i can see from his eyes that he is thinking something, did i made the situation awkward by asking this question but i want the answer, what to do, what to do. God help me please I am going Crazy.

2 things  I want to share with you friends
1) OhmNanon is just characters i like and nothing to do with their personal life, my inner clown want to ship them pls consider them as characters and  not real persons.
2) Sorry for my english and typo errors, english is not my mother tongue.

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