Chapter 5

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"Sev! Severus! Wake up!" Remus whispered-yelled, as he shook Severus's shoulder. Severus pulls Harry close to him in his sleep before opening his eyes with a groan.

"What? It's not even time for me get up." Severus said, with a growl, as he glares at Remus. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Minnie called by fire. She said, Dumbledore is looking for you and Harry. I made a altered copy of Lily's letter and made a copy of the birth certificate, in case Dumbledore tries something." Remus said, as Severus groans.

"I was wondering when he was going to ask about Harry." Severus said, as he sat up. Harry rolls over in his sleep. Severus looks over at Harry, before getting out of bed.

"I'll stay here and watch the house." Remus said, as he walks out of the room. Severus reached over and shook Harry's shoulder, gently.

"Harry. Harry, wake up." Severus said, as Harry yawns before opening his eyes. Harry turns over, as he rubs his eyes.

"Come on, Harry. I need you to get a bath. Can you do that? I'll make some breakfast." Severus said, as Harry yawns and nodded.

"Pancakes?" Harry asked, and Severus hums.

"Well, I guess I can make some. Wash up. Remus will be joining us." Severus said, as Harry sits up.

"Pancakes!" Harry cheers, as he moves to get off the bed.




"So this is Harry Potter. Professor Snape. Why is the boy with you? Shouldn't he be with his family?" Dumbledore asked, as Harry tilts his head at him. Mcgonagall, Severus, and Harry were in the office with Dumbledore. The fire flared up and two auroras stepped through the fire.

"Ah. They're here. Madam Bones. Congratulations on becoming a judge. I'm glad you took the time to come here." Mcgonagall said. Madam Bones nodded her head, with a smile. Severus and Harry sat down beside each other, as Mcgonagall stood behind them.

"Minnie. A pleasure as always. Severus. The tea had a relaxing taste. I have to thank you sometime." Madam Bones said, as she greets the two. Harry grins up at Severus. Severus gave him a pat on the head.

"Madam Bones. What a surprise. Would you like a lemon drop?" Dumbledore asked. Madam Bones glanced at him.

"I'm fine. Shall we get started? Professor Snape. Madam Pomfrey contacted me that Young Potter was found in a terrible state that a letter from his late mother popped up saying the boy is actually yours. Do you have the letter and proof that he is indeed yours?" Madam Bones asked, as Dumbledore had a glint of angry in his eyes. Severus pulls out the two copies and passed them to her. Madam Bones taps her wand on the papers, and nods.

"I want to comfirm. Harry. Is your name Harry Tobias Snape? You're not a Potter? And this man is your father, yes?" Madam Bones asked, as Harry looks at her.

"Yes, Ma'am and he's my dad. Right, dad? We had pancakes this morning. Can I get ice cream?" Harry asked, smiling up at Severus. Severus lets a smile slip through and pats his head.

"When this nice lady is done with us, we can ice cream." Severus said, before looking up at Madam Bones.

"I believe Pomfrey sent you a list of injuries my son had when we found him." Severus said, as Madam Bones nodded and pulls out the paper.

"Yes, I did receive it. Would you mind stepping out with Mcgonagall? I would like to speak with little Harry for a bit." Madam Bones said. Severus nods.

"Harry. Be good. And answer her questions with honesty. I'll be right outside the door." Severus said, as Harry nods, sadly.

"Yes, sir." Harry said, as Severus pats his head, and stood up. Severus and Mcgonagall walked outside the office and the door shuts.

A few minutes felt like hours to Severus. Mcgonagall pats his shoulder and smiles at him.

"Everything will be fine. Madam Bones knows that Harry has mental regression. She'll be careful." Mcgonagall said, as a shout came from inside. Severus opens the door to see Harry laughing. Whatever worry Severus felt went away. Harry turns to see him and grins. That didn't stop he from seeing Harry's red cheeks.

'What happen? Did he cry? Did that old man do something?!' Severus thought, as he glanced at Dumbledore.

"Dad! Guess what! Miss Bones said I don't have to go back to that house! I can stay with you!" Harry said, as Severus hums.

"I just need you to prove you're not a death eater. May we see your arm?" Madam Bones asked. Severus tensed, before nodding. Severus pulled up his sleeves to show no mark. Severus stares at his forearm.

'What?! It's not there? How?' Severus thinks in shock, before looking at Harry, who was grinning, and Dumbledore, clearly fuming in his eyes.

"Well then. That's settles it. Professor Snape has proved that Young Harry isn't a Potter, but a Snape. Since Young Harry has shown proof. He's not to return to his former household. Young Harry will be put in the care of his father, Severus Snape. Albus. Since you clearly didn't check on the boy like you told us you would, you are forbidden to interact with Young Harry without his father around. When he starts school, you are not aloud to talk to the boy without his fater around. Now that that's settle. I'll take my leave." Madam Bones said, passing the papers back to Severus. Severus pockets the papers. Madam bones pats Harry's head, smiling.

"Such a cute kid." Madam Bones said, as Harry giggles. Madam Bones and the two auroras left by fire.

"Since I'm here. I must prepare for class. Come along, Harry. You'll be joining me for class." Severus said, as he turned on his heel, and walks out with Harry following him out.

"Bye bye!" Harry said, waving at Dumbledore and Mcgonagall. Mcgonagall chuckles and waves back.

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