Chapter 6:- Battle of 8/3

Comenzar desde el principio


"Hoho, you guys are already here!"

I heard a voice representing that of a girl. She was accompanied by Hinata. I think the girl who said that is Emma. I knew of her after Takemichi told the story about him and Hinata having an argument. Well it was more of a one-sided massacre.

"Yo Emma" Draken replied.

"Hello everyone."

After exchanging greetings, our group of five decided to check out the various stalls that had been set up. A group of five consisting of three guys and two girls. Seemed oddly familiar.......

After getting a few glances from Emma and Hinata, I was made aware of the fact that I was the only single guy there. Suddenly, I had become more self-conscious than a puberty struck teen.

It felt definitely weird and awkward. Not only was I the most unknown dude in the gang, I was also single. Damn.

My pace automatically slowed down, as the four continued moving, without being aware of my existence anymore.

I looked up in the crescent moon-lit sky, hands in my pocket and thought back on to my ANHS days.

I thought about the friends I had made, the fun memories I had of that place. And of course, my girlfriend Kei too.


This was uncharacteristic of me to think like that, but recently...........


"Huh?" I looked around to see the four looking at me, out of concern.

"Are you fine?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I am fine, why?"

"I don't just stood there for like a minute while we called out to you...."

"Oh......sorry for making you worry, I just dozed off."

Not minding the looks I was receiving, I continued to move.

Suddenly, I felt a drop of rain on my left eyebrow.

"It rains.....and rains. It is a ble-"

"What the hell are you murmuring about Kiyotaka-kun. We gotta head out." Takemichi grabbed my hand and we sprinted out, in search for shelter.

We soon entered the forest, and stopped by at a tree.

"We were supposed to stay with Draken." I said.

"Ah shit." Takemichi said in frustration. "You looking out of place today by the way."

"That's true, Kiyotaka-kun looked like he was missing someone. Hmmmm, a girlfriend perhaps?"

I just raised an eyebrow at her claims. It was without a doubt true that I had been thinking of my time in ANHS, however that's not something I wish for other people to notice about me.

I didn't answer, rather I decided to go off in search of Draken. However I signalled for Takemichi to wait.

I was only a few meters away, when I heard Takemichi yelling. Abruptly, I returned back to the place I was in, though behind a tree this time.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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