Chapter 1: First encounter

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What is happening around me?

I couldn't tell. My eyes were closed. It felt like I was moving at a very fast speed, but I couldn't determine where my destination was.

Finally, I felt my feet touch some flat surface.

I opened my yes, around me was 2005 Tokyo........

"Well this is certainly peculiar."

First thing that caught my eye was a billboard advertising a movie. It stated its release date.

The date today is 6th July.

I felt some weight on my back. It appeared to be a bag.

"Let's see how good my luck is....."

I opened it and found several thing. Two keys, a few maps, some handbooks, a few pictures and a credit card.

"This should do for a while I guess..."

I didn't bother reading the maps, it would be time consuming. Instead, I headed to the nearest ATM I could find.
Insert your 4 digit pin


I checked the bag again, and there was a small slip of paper.


It turned out to be correct pin number. I withdrew around a couple 100 thousands. This much should be enough for a few months. Considering that I don't have to pay for rent or educational facilities.

The remaining balance showed 600k yen. So to conclude, I had recieved a million yen initially.

I wonder how long it would take me to complete my mission

Regardless, I moved away and waited for a taxi. I read out the address that was written on the map, and so the driver agreed to take me there.

On our way to the place I would stay at, my mind was busy with several thoughts.

Why was I chosen to be the destroyer of evil, when I myself have sinned? Was it to atone for my sins? Or is it that there is no one else capable of doing it?

If Fate exists, was sending me a part of it? Do I need to go with the flow because the end result has already been decided?

I could conclude one thing for sure, after all he indirectly confirmed it.

"We are here."

A voice broke my chain of thoughts. I got out of the taxi and after paying my fare, I looked at the place I was staying.

"Not bad I guess."

It was a medium sized house. It looked way too clean for a house that was never occupied before. Or could it be it didn't even exist before....

Having no reason to overthink about the house, I quickly entered.


So overall, the house was fit for me. Electricity and water facilities were already available. The refrigerator was filled with food items while the wardrobe was lined up with fine outfits. There was furniture too, it didn't feel empty.

The thing that attracted my attention was however, a small shelf which contained a few books.

Among those books, one was rather strange. It had a white plain cover and all the pages were blank. It didn't make any sense. But I knew that it was valuable in its own way. The other books were related to religion and other historic events.

White room did make us study literature however sacred texts weren't considered integral for our education.

Regardless of why they were here, I guess I could at least read them to pass some time.

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