Three musketeers and one D.I.L.F

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Vergil pov:

We've been walking for quite some time now from where we came from, the two girls Sarah and Jennifer have been keeping a conversation between themselves while I got stuck with the one named Clai-

Claire: "whatcha thinking about?"

Hmph. . . This one has been clinging to me ever since we struck an agreement.

Vergil: "That's none of your concern. Why don't you join your friends."

Claire: "you can't get rid of me easily Mr V"

Vergil: "Vergil."

Claire: "Mr V!"
Just roll with it. . .

Vergil: "how much further is this place you mentioned, Sarah?"

Sarah:" not to far Vergil, why you tired of walking already?" She chuckles as she looks back at me with Claire holding my arm.

Vergil: *scoffs*

Walking wasn't my problem right now, Claire? I wouldn't consider her a problem but I would appreciate some space at least, I wonder how things are going back in that cramped van.


Meanwhile back on earth...

Nero pov:
Nero: " he said he would be here, where is he?"

Dante: "relax Nero he'll get here, eventually. Hey didn't you give him a phone while back?"

Nero: " pops saw me using it once, asked where he could get one like it, I asked why, he said for knowledge."

Dante: " huh, so does he have it?"

Nero: "yes?"

Dante: "well just call him for Christ sakes" he said chuckling

Nero: " *sigh* alright..."

I doubt he'll pick up, probably doesn't even know how to use it yet. We sit patiently as we let it ring.
Vergil: "heyyy.."

Nero: " holy...father where are you? You said you'd be her-"

Vergil: "this is Vergil, son of sparda, I apologize I couldn't get to my mobile phone right now, I'm craving MOTIVATI-"

Before I let it continue I hung up. . .
Dante: " wow."

Nero: "mhmm. . ."

Dante: " don't worry Nero, he'll come around"

Nero: "you think?"

Dante: " after he comes back from grabbing milk sure" Dante said chuckling

Nero: " shut up."


Back to Vergil. . .

Vergil pov:

Sarah: "here we are!"

Vergil: " wow."

Sarah: "yup! Come on let's go inside!" She said as she grabbed my arm breaking Claire's hold on me and dragging me to the front door.

Claire: "hey!"

Jennifer: "relax you can cling on to him later." Jennifer says patting on Claire's shoulder.

This home was a standard home, standard because it looked like every other house we passed on the way here, but who am I to complain, better than being on the streets dressed in the same similar clothing from when I ripped my son's arm off . . . . . Wow I'm dark.

Sarah: "so what do think of the place?"

Vergil: "it will do." I said while I made my way to the living room and sat down on the U shaped couch, placing the Yamato firmly on my lap. Claire and Jennifer eventually came in after, Sarah went up the stairs to do something unknown to me, Jennifer proceeds to take a seat right beside me.

Jennifer: "not bad huh? I like chilling here sometimes on the weekend too." Stretching her arms she plants one of them on my shoulders.

Vergil: "really?"

Jennifer: " yup, back at my place my parents are a SHIT show, always fighting with one another. That's not the only thing too sometimes they just have crazy sexual intercourse with each other."

Vergil: " I didn't need to know that, but now I do. I hate it."

Jennifer: "you and me both Vergil" she chuckles
"Do I still have my mobile phone with me? I haven't checked that thing in a long time yet". Taking out my mobile phone I press the power button and check the battery. . . . . 87% that isn't too bad.

Jennifer: "oh hey, I didn't know you had a phone with you!"

Vergil: "I barely use the damn thing."

Jennifer: "well we can change that, here let me see" snatching the phone from my grasp, Will it even work?

Jennifer: "there you go you have my phone number now!"

Vergil: " I believe it won't work Jennifer"

Jennifer: "well sure it can, try calling me real quick!"

Doing as she said I hit the call button. . . .and it surprisingly worked I don't even want to know how.

Jennifer: " see it did work! Now you can call me when ever you feel like it! Or. . . When you want a quickie~"

Vergil: " your specie's is one weird bunch."

Claire: "hey I should be able to call him too give me that!" And there my phone gets snatched again from me.

Jennifer: "where did you get a phone from? Did you steal that too?"

Vergil: "no my son gave it to me "

Silence filled the house for a moment, Sarah came down after supposedly hearing what I said also.

Sarah: "your. . .son?"

Vergil: "yes."

Claire: "holy shit guys we got a dilf!"

Vergil: "excuse me?"

Jennifer: "don't mind it, so your son, what's his name?"

Vergil: "Nero"

Jennifer: "Nero huh?"

Claire: "does he look like you you also?"

Vergil: "a bit yes, he has my white hair also."

Claire: "wow!"

Vergil: "yes very interesting, anyways Sarah where will I be sleeping for the night?"

Sarah: "oh right come on up I'll show you!"

(A/N: I got tired right here so I'll leave off here, hope you enjoyed!)

To be continued.....


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