"Doesn't sit right with me." Theodore's deep voice rung in her right ear, making her jump up a little, her back had been already comfortably sunk in the back of a couch. She turned her head to her right to face him. He had lowered his face to her level, meaning they were quite close.

"What?" She whispered extremely confused while the strong smell of his cologne went to her head.

"That you were sitting alone in the library earlier today. Blaise told me. Why didn't you tell me? I would've kept you some company."

"Oh, that. It's doesn't really matter, Theo. Don't worry. And you also know how that would end. I can't study when you're around."

Looking her directly in the eyes, he pouted playfully. Someone cleared their throat and her eyes shifted to the couch opposite them. Draco's look turned into one of annoyance, whereas a few minutes ago, he was looking all happy.

His arm moved to the back of the couch, right behind Pansy's head. His left hand rested an inch above Pansy's shoulder and she looked up, smiling at him. He returned the smile.

Everyone lost track of time during the night. (Y/n) was tired, but didn't want to be the first one to mention it. So when Blaise was the one doing it, she was really grateful. They all stood up, wanting to go upstairs. Before leaving, (y/n) wanted to say goodbye to Draco. She walked up to him as he was hugging Pansy back. She felt a stich kind of feeling somewhere near her chest at the sight, but decided to make herself forget it before it would lead her into anything risky.

"Draco" she said quietly and he turned around.  "Goodnight" she said, hugging him slowly.

It left her confused, embarrassed, anxious even when he didn't hug her back. But hesitantly, so it appeared, he hugged her back, even if a little suspiciously too late.

"Night" he whispered and (y/n) pulled away, eagerly wanting to sleep.


(Y/n)'s pov:

I sat across Pansy, next to her Draco. He was taking the goblet of pumpkin juice in his hands to drink as I watched him. He put it down and listened to Theo talk, staring nowhere specific. I still watched him, observed his oh so pretty face. I could do it forever, just look at him, admire him.

Pansy laughed at something Theo said and Draco looked up almost immediately, looking at her from her smile brightened face. Her eyes sparkled. He stared at her, listening to her as she began talking. And I watched him do so. I watched how mesmerized he was by her. He listened to her pretty voice. And all of sudden, I've never felt more insecure in my life. Why didn't I have a pretty smile, a pretty face, a bewildering enchanting voice you could listen to forever. Why could he not look at me like he looked at her?

I did not know.

But I stood up, eventually. Noticing how he didn't even notice. "I'll go now." I said quietly, hoping he would hear me. Though all he did was listen to Pansy still.

"You're going already?" Theo whined loudly, making Draco look up to see what's going on. He turned his head to me. "Come on, we wanted to study in the library all together!" Theo stood up and I smiled slightly, grateful he cared.

"I'm tired." I lied partially.

"Alright." He sighed, embracing me, giving me a tight hug. Over his shoulder, I saw Draco's eyes pierce Theo's back. His brows formed a frown. "Night." Theo whispered.

"Night." I whispered into his shoulder.

"Mate, your girl is going." Theo turned around to face Draco, who was still sitting.

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