Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno

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(There's a little violence here so... I just warned you)

Today's the day, I was patiently waiting for the clock to strike 12 so I could go home and change. "So to close this class, please pass up front your last assignment that is due today" the teacher said as various guys and girls groaned meaning that they haven't done it. I passed mine to the guy in front of me and looked at the clock, then I felt a tap in my shoulder so I looked back "Hey Y/n, are you ready for today?" It was Michimiya, I nodded "I hope that all of our training is going to be payed off after this match, we all have potential so why not use all of our skills on this new opportunity that's ahead of us?!" Michimiya nodded but was cut off by the bell "Have a good day everyone-" Michimiya grabbed my hand "Let's go Y/n!!" We got out of the classroom running through the halls "Hey!!" We bumped into a lot of people... "Sorry!!"

"Y/n let's get going it's getting late!!" Michimiya yelled from the living room, I looked at the clock and it was 4:10pm we get to Shiratorizawa in 20 minutes and it takes us 10 minutes to get to school 'Shoot I'm late!' I was already ready so I just needed 1 more thing "Coming!!!" I grabbed my bag that had everything I needed and left my room

"Yachi I'm leaving, I'll lock the front door and the keys are at the dinner table if you need to go out!!" I closed the door and went running towards the elevator "Hope we get there in time..." Michimiya said as her legs trembled "Hey don't worry, we will get there in time and we will win for sure!" I patted her shoulder and smiled "Thank you Y/n, you do know how to make me feel better" She smiled "I just say what comes to mind and what's obviously right"  the elevator reached the last floor and we began running again

After running for 7 minutes we reached the school and there was Takeda-sensei waiting for us "Girls come on we need to go!!" Takeda-sensei shouted "Thank you sensei, for attending as a stand-by coach till our coach gets better!" I said as I entered the bus "No problem Y/n, I just hope you girls have an amazing match against Shiratorizawa" he started the bus "Girls are you ready?" He asked "Yes!!!" We all shouted "Off we go!!"

Shiratorizawa High... we made it "OMG!!! LOOK, THEY HAVE HORSES!!" Mao exclaimed as she pointed at the horse stable that was next to the parkings of the school "Girls let's get out in order and don't run off, we are here to play a match not to look at... expensive stuff" Takeda said as he sweatdropped at the last thing "Yes sir!!" We made a line and started getting out of the bus in order. After a little walk we founded the gym but it was actually the wrong one- "If it isn't Karasuno~" a red head entered our view 'AAAAAAAH IT'S TENDOU!!!'

"Uhh, hey we were trying to find the girls gym, can you show us where it is?" Takeda-sensei asked Tendou as he nodded "Sure, follow me pretty please!!" He started walking towards the other side of the school

"Hey Y/n why do you keep staring at the guy? Do you know him?!" Moe whispered "Not personally but I have seen his matches and he's an awesome middle blocker" I complimented him but of course he wasn't listening... or was he- "We are here!" He stood in front of the gym gates and opened them revealing the girls team warming up "Well this is my leave, bye bye!!" Tendou said as he smiled and waved 'I need to be friends with him no matter what!!' I nodded to myself "Come on Y/n let's get to the warm ups!!" Sasaki yelled at me from inside "Coming!!" I entered the gym without noticing that someone or some people were watching me from a far

After the warm up I met up with the captain "Captain, I hope we have a nice game" I smiled at her and extended my hand "Same to you too Hitoka-san, may the best win~" she shook my hand but I looked at her face and i noticed that her dark green eyes stared at me like crazy...'So we're playing like that huh?' I nodded and went back to my team "Girls it looks like they're playing as if it were the nationals, might as well give it our all" I said "B-but they're so tall!" Nozomi stuttered as she say the other girls "It's true, they're tall but can the tall beat the brains?" I asked "No?" She questioned "No! Tallness can never beat the brains. I wouldn't care if I had to go up against a 2 meter giant, if I can come up with a strategy they would be down in no time. Let's give it our all girls because I know that you can do it!" I gave them all the encouragement that I could give, it's hard to manage a team but it's much easier if they all have trust on each other's skills "Yes!!" They all shouted and we began to line up "Y/n" I turned and saw Takeda-sensei "Yes?" I turned my head a bit to the side "Give it your best!" He gave me a thumbs up "Yes sir!!" I smiled... 'Why couldn't my first life be like this? This is perfect!! I might as well enjoy every last bit of it to the maximum'

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