Kicks for sticks

597 9 5

Still currently stuck in hell. Help me. I'm running outta patients for these nurses man. I'm tired of beating jack in tic-tac-toe he won't give up. Auston brady and Matthew are playing mini sticks lowkey funny but they keep knocking shit over. Luke is treating me like some fragile piece of glass. And ellen and Jim are at work.
"Look here Auston if you wack me with your fucking stick one more god damn time i swear to god imma hurt you" i cant take it anymore get me out. "Bro quit being a baby and get over it" Austin says jabbing him with the stick. Next thing ya know luke and brady are breaking them up.

Im supposed to go home tomorrow. Cant wait. But apparently the Tkachuks and Auston are staying at my house too. Yay :|. Yeah it's gonna be hell I can't play hockey for a couple months so that makes it even worse and I can't do nothing active so imma have to stay in bed like a boring person and do nothing all day how am I going to survive ..... I don't know I'll figure it out though I'll probably watch the boys try to kill each other 24/7 this should be fun.

A/n I know this is really really short but it's what I got rn.

The adopted one. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin