Ch. 1 Day Before Origins

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Many centuries ago magic jewels bestowing extraordinary powers were created, these were the
miraculous, but all the miraculouses were made by the first and most powerful miraculous of
them all, the lion miraculous. Throughout history, heroes have used these jewels for the cause
of the human race, three of these are the more powerful than the others the choker of the lion
that has the power of balance of al the miraculouses, the earrings of the ladybug that has the
power of creation, and the ring of the black cat that has the power of destruction.

According to legends, whoever controls these three jewels at the same time will achieve
absolute power.

???: I want that absolute power nuru I must have those miraculouses

Nuru: Nobody knows where these miraculouses are, and seeing the lion miraculous is a rare
case, for only the most pure and innocent can unlock its true powers, not even the other kwamis
know the lion miraculous's true power only the lion kwami of that miraculous

???: Oh, but I found you though my little nuru, remind me of its power again

Nuru: The moth brooch allows you to give someone their own super powers and to make that
person, your devoted fol ower and when it comes to luring superheroes what could be better
than creating supervil ains

Nuru: But Master, the miraculous are not meant to be used for evil purposes

???: I must have this absolute power, your miraculous is in my control, I am your Master now
and you must obey me!

Nuru: Yes master

???: NURU, DARK WINGS RISE!! From this day on, I shall be known as HAWKMOTH!! (Evily

(From afar)

???: Master, Master

???: Master, Master, Master, chanting it's all part of the treatment, master, master, thank you for
coming, so you again next week

???: Master, the moth miraculous I felt its aura

???: I though it had been lost forever

???: But master, it's a negative aura I fear it may have gotten into the hands of a dark power

???: We must find, Nuru and his miraculous if it has gotten into the wrong hands, there's no
tel ing what evil wil come upon the world, time to transform, Wayzz, oh argh-

Wayzz: Oh please master be reasonable you are-

Master Fu: Still young, I'm only 186... your right Wayzz, I can no longer do it alone, we'll need
some help

(This is the first day of school, I wil start the origins episode on the second day of school)

3rd POV:


Y/N: AHHHH! (falls off the bed) (grouns) 'wait' IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Also next time, don't yell

U/N: sorry, but blow out the candle

Y/N: (giggles and blows out the candle) wait I'm gonna be late

U/N: don't worry I woke you up a hour early, that reminds me I have to give you something
fol ow me

(You follow him to his bedroom, he motions you to wait at the bed, you see him go towards his
nightstand and take out a box with a Chinese design)

Y/N: what's that?

U/N: this, my little lioness is your gift, it's a family heirloom that was passed down in my family
for generations, your father gave it to me and told me before they died to give this to you on
your 13th birthday,

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