•5• Don't Know why we are Joining a School, but Whatever

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Hi everyone! For the next few chapters it might be separated because I might need to re-watch the first season of BNHA.

As Albedo gently ran his hands through Aether's hair he started to tell the man what happened who he found out went by "All Might", which to him was kind of weird, but whatever.

"As me and...my friend, were walking down the street this bank blew up and he really wanted to help, for some reason. Not the most logical obviously seeing his state. Anyways we tried to get everyone out safe and were successful, but then another bomb went off before Aether got out." Albedo explained. All Might looked at him shocked and also a little confused. "Your friend...he sounds brave" Albedo hummed in response. "But I also have to ask, why did you run into trouble when there are very capable heroes all around you with very powerful quirks."

Now it was Albedo's turn to be a little confused. 'What does he mean by quirks? I'm curious, but if I ask then maybe we will seem suspicious. That was one of the things that Aether said we shouldn't do. I'll try to get information on 'quirks' by asking simple questions so we don't get caught.'Albedo thought. "Well since you seemed to have handle this situation and I don't have to do anything let's take your friend to a hospital! I'll guide you there." Albedo nodded before picking Aether up in bridal style. "Thank you for helping up." "No need to worry, it's my job anyways!"

As I said before Aether does heal abnormally fast and just by looking you could see that most of the cuts and burns on his body were healing up quite quickly. "Your friend here, he seems to almost be all healed up even though we have only been walking for a few minutes..." Albedo's eyes opened wide before coming up with an excuse. "Oh it's apart of his...quirk" Albedo said mater-of-factly. He was still worried him and Aether will get figured out, but so far All Might hasn't been suspicious,

"Also, I have been thinking why are taking time out of your day to bring us to a hospital. Your a hero and shouldn't be waisting your time. Do you by chance have something in mind?" All Might stopped walking. "Well at first I was just interested on how you got everyone out safe from a unstable building and also managed to apprehend a bomber that has been trouble for the past week or two. Now I just really want to see you and your friend's potential. " Albedo hummed.

As they kept on walking Albedo continued to ask questions and All Might also did too. As they were arriving the hospital Albedo felt movement in his arms and sat him down on a nearby bench, "Aether, are you awake? It's me Albedo." The alchemist said as he shook Aether's shoulder slightly. Aether kept blinking and tried to move his arms to stretch. The traveler then shook his head a couple of times before speaking, "I..feel awful, and tired..." Aether said with his hand to his forehead. "Not going to say anything hurts though, gladly" It seemed like all his injuries have already healed and all that seemed to lack was his energy. Aether looked absolutely exhausted and couldn't even really sit up. He tried to look at his surroundings and tried to remember what happened but nothing was really working in his head. All Might was just standing there examining the scene. "I'll have to take you to the hospital to rest, for now just close your eyes and regain your energy." Aether nodded.

Albedo sighed once he saw Aether's eyes close. "It seems that you won't be able to talk to Aether's in a while, well, until he recovers. But thank you for bringing us here if you want to talk to him after he wakes then be my guest." Albedo explained. "May I suggest trying out for the hero school UA? You kids are so young and already know how to evacuate a building. I think if you join this school you will not only learn, but find out that you can become very strong heroes" Albedo didn't really know what to think, all he knew is that there were a lot of 'heroes' in this city and almost everyone had weird/interesting powers. 'UA from what I have over heard is a very big hero school that almost everyone wants to be in, maybe we will find powerful people to help us back to Tayvat' Albedo though. 'Sorry Aether'

"If you think we can make it then I don't see why not, it will be a good experience..." Albedo said quietly. "Welp hope to see you at the entrance exam, have a good day!"


Albedo was able to get a room in the hospital for Aether and even though he didn't have any physical damage the hospital decided to keep him here overnight and check on him in the morning.

-Stars Beyond-BNHA x Genshin Impact crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now