•4• Who the Hell are You

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Hi! I hope you like this chapter. Anyways I hope everyone is having a lovely day and you find this worthy of your time.

As Aether followed everyone out, making sure no one was excessively hurt or really worried. There was a old lady though that wasn't fast and was worrying the poor boy because of the little time they had. But Aether is a patient person and even with the growing worry as the time ticked he took extra time to guide the sweet old lady out and made extra sure she was ok. The criminal was also still on his shoulder which made it so two people were leaning on the traveler. He was still keeping track of the time in his head as the seconds all to quickly passed by.

And once there was about two minutes left a wave of panic overcame his body. The woman was very frail and he didn't want to hurt her by moving too quickly or tripped over the rubble. Aether also needed to pay attention to the guy on his shoulder because in the heat of the moment the golden haired boy might drop him. '1 minute, 59, 58, 56, 57...' As Aether counted in his head and when his mind wandered for a few seconds he came across a gap in the floor a yard away from the exit that he mindlessly led the old lady into. When he fled the wait on his arm slip away he snapped out of his trance and focused on the lady on the ground. 'Fuck, oh no...' Aether quickly picked up the woman from the gap only to find out that her foot was caught in the crack. "Shit. Shit. Shit"Aether whispered. He then used a geo construct to break up the floor releasing the woman. '15, 14, 13, 12...' The pure look of fear was prominent on the travelers face. He quickly made up his mind and took the woman's hand and ran for the door.

'6, 5, 4...' He felt so heavy and knew he wasn't going to make it out with two extra bodies tied to him. In the heat of the moment Aether took the bomber off his back and shoved him as hard as he could along with the old lady out of the building. Not even a second later he was blown to the right wall of the building by the bomb. He was paralyzed by the pain from the impact for a few seconds. After his state of paralyzation was over his eyes opened to see the ceiling coming right at him. He then covered his face with his arms and without thinking created a geo structure over himself that eventually broke the fall of the concrete. His body still hurt all over and was so close to passing out. But even if he was filled with pain he still worried for the old lady and the bomber. He hoped they didn't get hit with the explosion or broke any bones from when he pushed them out of the building. But even his worry couldn't keep him awake, Aether slowly closed his eyes and felt as his body turned limp and fell to the floor, the last thing he saw was the glowing yellow of his geo construct.

Albedo pov

I was actually got a lot of hope when another group of people came from the bank and ran down to where I was. But that worry quickly came back like a rock when I didn't see Aether with them. 'Where was he?' 'Why wasn't he with the group?' 'Did he encounter a problem?' As question after question filled my head until I couldn't think anymore a large explosion echoed trough the streets. '...Aether'. At that moment all the stupid questions disappeared and were replaced with pure terror. After some hesitation I ran to the now destroyed building and saw a passed out man and a old woman with wide eyes. I didn't know nor cared who they were, but they were obviously not Aether. The bank was replaced with concrete rubble and glass. "Aether!" I yelled, but no one responded. I made some geo flowers that destroyed some of the rubble, but ultimately didn't do much so I called out his name a few times again. "Aether!" "Aether!" Like that would do anything. I almost thought of giving up before I came across a yellow light radiating under a huge slap of concrete. I looked through the little gap hiding the light and saw a yellow geo construct I quickly put down one of my flowers, but it didn't do that much, all I got was a little piece of it chip away. I tried over and over, but the same thing happened.

'What am I going to do' I tried to push it for some reason (which of course didn't even move it a centimeter because I don't have much arm strength). 

This could have all been avoided if we didn't interact with the bank and help all those people. I do love that he is selfless, but he doesn't need to endanger his life over strangers so easily. I looked under again to see Aether laying on the ground limp. I'm so helpless, how in the world am I actually going to get him out, there is no way he is getting up looking at the state of his body also. My arms already have gave out and now I am just sitting helplessly on the ground with no one, but Aether trapped in my head. 'Please get up...I would hate to be trapped in this world by myself. I need you' I put my face in my hands and just looked off into the distance before I saw a really tall person with obnoxious hair and a red and blue outfit. 'God this world is weird...' He looked surprised to only see me and the two other people in the destroyed area. And walked to me and still looked really confused. "Hello lovely citizen! Not to worry I am here! May I ask what you know about what happened here." The guy with weird hair asked. I was hesitant to talk to the stranger, but maybe I can get him to help Aether. "I will tell you if you help my, um...friend out of the concrete under here" I pointed to the big slap on top of Aether. He looked way to happy when I said that and walked over to flip the piece over to reveal Aether's geo structure.

I was astonished at how strong this guy was and after my initial shock I snapped out of it and got up from the ground to peak inside the yellow ball. "Is that your friend in there good sir?" The man asked. I nodded my head and summoned a geo flower that then broke Aether's structure. I walked over to the traveler and picked his head up before laying it down on my lap. He looked to just be unconscious, I know that Aether can heal abnormally fast but I was still worried. Before going in my head again to space out I looked at the guy staining down at me and said, "Thank you very much for helping him, and since you wanted information about this incident I will give it to you."

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